
This repository is an aggregator for various R, make and git/github teaching material. Most of the courses are taught at the University of Cambridge, UK, and some have been adapted and exported outside. We would also like to acknowledge contributions from Aleksandra Pawlik, Software Sustainability Institute, Raphael Gottardo, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Karl Broman, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Each material subdirectory has its own repository; TeachingMaterial aggregates a snapshot as a central entry point. Aggregation is done using git-subtree (see the administration page for details). The local copies linking to external repositories are prefixed with an underscore.

Unless otherwise stated, all material is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. This means you are free to copy, distribute and transmit the work, adapt it to your needs as long as you cite its origin and, if you do redistribute it, do so under the same license.

See also the TeachingMaterial wiki for meta-information about the repository and general R installation material and links.

If you like this material and/or this initiative, do not hesitate to let us know by starring the repo, tweeting about it and sharing it with your colleagues.


R debugging and robust programming

  • Description: A 2-day workshop taught on the 25-26 February 2016 at the EMBL, Heidelberg. The course aims at teaching participants debugging techniques and good practice in writing reliable, robust code.
  • Author: Laurent Gatto, based on previous content by Laurent Gatto and Robert Stojnic, and Advanced R, by Hadley Wickham.
  • Original repository: https://github.com/lgatto/2016-02-25-adv-programming-EMBL
  • Content: Part I: Coding style(s), Interactive use and programming, Environments, Tidy data, Computing on the language. Part II: Functions, Robust programming with functions, Scoping, Closures, High-level functions, Vectorisation. Part III: Defensive programming, Debbugging: techniques and tools, Condition handling: try/tryCatch, Unit testing. Part IV: Benchmarking, Profiling, Optimisation, Memory, Rcpp.
  • More details: https://github.com/lgatto/2016-02-25-adv-programming-EMBL/blob/master/README.md








R package development

Benchmarking, profiling and optimisation




R functional programming

R vectorisation

R debugging

R parallel

R object oriented programming

Short S4 tutorial

R programming tutorial

R and C/C++



install_github("sequences", "lgatto")