
Repository for English Arpasing list with original strings for full VCV vowels and new CCs.

ENG ARPA Reclist

Repository for English Arpasing list for UTAU and OpenUtau with original strings for full VCV vowels and new CCs.

Recommended recording tool: OREMO by nwp8861

Recommended configuration tool: vlabeler by sdercolin

Recommended BPM: 100

Recommended recording order: CVVC, CC, VCV, FRY

Included in the List

  • base Arpasing CVVC list with the addition of [dx] (188 lines)
  • full VCV vowel list (70 lines)
  • robust CC list (127 lines)
  • optional vowel vocal fry list (5 lines)

Example Voicebank

Esther (English)