
Where can I obtain hg38_icgc21.txt?

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I am trying to run python CancerVar.py -b hg38 -i input.vcf --input_type=VCF -o ./results/. which does not work because hg38_icgc21.txt is not available.

/data/software/annovar/annotate_variation.pl -buildver hg38 -downdb -webfrom annovar icgc21 /data/software/annovar/humandb tries to download the resource from http://www.openbioinformatics.org/annovar/download/hg38_icgc21.txt.gz. However, this website is not available anymore.

Where can I get the hg38_icgc21.txt file

Thanks for helping!

we complied hg38_icgc21.txt at here:

Thanks a lot!


I cant download data from this site.

hg19_cosmic91.txt does not exist error.

Thank you in advance

Thank you very much.
I am doing research on the Lymphoma Cancer detection project.
I hope this program helps me.

Again, Thank you very much for your great contributions.

I have downloaded cosmic data sets. but unable to download icgc data sets.
can you please help?
I can't go to the link https://cancervar.wglab.org/databases/


Thank you

icgc21 is updated by icgc28. you can download them from annovar.