
Tail end error on CancerVar.py

Opened this issue · 2 comments


I get a multianno file, but I also get these messages.

NOTICE: Multianno output file is written to example/PRE_02_hg19.bin.sorted.withoutchr.hg19_multianno.txt
annovar_outfile is example/PRE_02_hg19.bin.sorted.withoutchr.hg19_multianno.txt
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "CancerVar2.py", line 1900, in <module>
  File "CancerVar2.py", line 1866, in main
  File "CancerVar2.py", line 652, in check_genes
    if sum==0 and re.findall('true',paras['otherinfo'], flags=re.IGNORECASE) :
KeyError: 'otherinfo'

which annovar version are you using?

Thank you for getting me to update annovar and revert to the original unchanged CancerVar.

Still getting an error message, though, on CentOS 8.

NOTICE: Multianno output file is written to example/PRE_25_hg19.bin.sorted.withoutchr.hg19_multianno.txt
annovar_outfile is example/PRE_25_hg19.bin.sorted.withoutchr.hg19_multianno.txt
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "CancerVar.py", line 1900, in <module>
  File "CancerVar.py", line 1866, in main
  File "CancerVar.py", line 652, in check_genes
    if sum==0 and re.findall('true',paras['otherinfo'], flags=re.IGNORECASE) :
KeyError: 'otherinfo'