
convert_bim_allele.pl help

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I am using Illumina data.

rs646776 in dbSNP is C>T. In my data it is G>A
I have created a SNPTable.txt file (the line for rs646776 looks like this):
rs646776 [A/G] TOP TOP

I tried with --outtype dbsnp:
$ perl convert_bim_allele.pl my.bim SNPTable.txt --intype top --outtype dbsnp --outfile converted_allele.bim
but I get the same G A genotypes

I'm thinking I need to do --outtype forward:
$ perl convert_bim_allele.pl my.bim SNPTable.txt --intype top --outtype forward --outfile converted_allele.bim --strandfile my_strandfile.txt

I made my_strandfile.txt from taking the rsID and strand information from the Illumina manifest.csv
rs646776 -

This seems to run successfully but when I check the now converted_allele.bim
$ grep rs646776 converted_allele.bim
1 rs646776 129.6542 109818530 G A

I'm still getting the same genotype as before?
Do you know how I convert this to the same as dbSNP e.g. C>T