fastq file to bam file
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My Nanopore data are fastq files but the input files need to be in bam format. Do you have a way to convert the fastq files to bam files? Or I can just use Samtools to do that.
Got it thanks!
I still can't get the bam file with the correct format when I used minimap2 and then samtools to sort and index the bam file. The problem is that the "chromosome" column is missing in the sam/bam file from minimap2. I tried to use both transcript and genome gif file to prepare the refgene file but there is no difference. Do you have a tutorial to guide me how to produce the bam file from the ONT full length cDNA reads? Thanks!
Please download genome fasta file instead of gtf file when using minimap2. Here is the tutorial of minimap2: If you have more question about minimap2, please create an issue at Thanks!
Thanks for the reply. I was able to get the output after I use the full genome fasta file as reference.