
Issue --end flag resquested in whole alignment Nanocaller

AG-Run opened this issue · 6 comments

Dear all.

I'm using your Nanocaller tool in my Pacbio data. However I'm facing some issues related with the -end flag.

Currently Im planning to extract all SNPs and Indel from a bam file derived from CCS_reads aligned to contigs assembly. Despite the --end flag being optional, the tool is asking me to define this -end flag

How can I fix it?

Thanks for the help

For NanoCaller, you are required to specify a contig name. The -end flag is optional in the sense that if a user does not provide a value for -end flag, then we use the reference genome FASTA file(.fai index file to be precise) to infer the end coordinates for the specified contig. Are you providing an indexed reference genome FASTA file, and are you specifying a contig?

The problem is that the specified contig or chromosome is not found in the reference .fai file. Can you confirm whether that is the case or not?

We have addressed several of your concerns in an updated version of NanoCaller. Please refer to issue #6.