- 3
#46 opened by RafaFariasVarona - 0
keras import issue by conda install
#47 opened by xuejinghub - 12
#45 opened by QuentinPerriere - 3
Error phasing large chromosomes (550mb chromosome) due to inability to store as tbi index
#44 opened by jcolicchio-soundag - 1
Module not found tqtm after install with conda
#43 opened by RxLoutre - 0
Models for R10.4.1 dorado
#42 opened by mbhall88 - 2
conda install incompatibilities
#41 opened by jannafierst - 3
Supporting reads
#40 opened by jamesdalg - 2
- 4
bcf tools error and error in whatshap
#29 opened by kprabhu-soundag - 2
- 5
AD (allelic depth) field
#38 opened by jamesdalg - 8
Unnormal results !
#37 opened by AzizHN - 6
header error in variant_calls.snps.phrased.vcf.gz
#36 opened by AzizHN - 22
what do you want to fill in the “--chrom” option? I read the instructions and there is no document.
#35 opened by oranges7 - 10
High coverage genotyping outputs only G
#27 opened by rhinempi - 0
bam file issue!
#34 opened by g-s-2018 - 2
Failed installation
#33 opened by twesigomwedavid - 7
multisample SNP calling?
#21 opened by colindaven - 3
- 1
Models compatible with Guppy6.x.x
#31 opened by sagnikbanerjee15 - 0
NanoCaller for microbial genomes
#26 opened by rhinempi - 2
index file .fai error
#25 opened by Meirom-Michal - 0
The output data is now only an args file (previously several vcf files were generated).
#24 opened by erarin - 2
Link to HiFi trained models
#22 opened by bbalog87 - 1
AttributeError: tuple object has no attribute ndims
#23 opened by bbalog87 - 0
ONT Indel calling on polyploid plant
#20 opened by HenrivdGeest - 1
"-phase_bam" doesn't work
#18 opened by moeinzadeh - 4
Error: Resource temporarily unavailable
#17 opened by huangnengCSU - 2
- 1
Calling on chromosome X
#14 opened by Akazhiel - 2
failed log report
#16 opened by aguygarner - 7
- 1
Upgrade model to tensorflow 2
#13 opened by Akazhiel - 15
Fail to do variant calling
#10 opened by PanZiwei - 6
info required on duplicate reads
#11 opened by tahashmi - 5
ls: cannot access '/output/intermediate_files/*/*snps.vcf.gz': No such file or directory
#12 opened by KewinOgink - 11
Low F1 score for NA12878
#8 opened by illarionovaanastasia - 2
- 2
Not calling variant present in bam
#7 opened by Mailinnia - 3
extract whole genome SNP and haplotype
#6 opened by qiang-huang - 6
- 2
#2 opened by vappiah - 4
usage information
#1 opened by kaichop - 1