hmm file: no such file or directory & the command will not recognise the signallistfile

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I am having trouble running the following detect_cnv.pl command:
sudo docker run 64539eb750a3 detect_cnv.pl -test -hmm lib/affygw6.hmm -pfb lib/affygw6.hg18.pfb -listfile signallistfile -log gw6.log -out gw6.rawcnv

The following is the associated error output:

This is what the "signallistfile" file looks like:

I have also tried with the signal file in the following format. But i doesn't work either.

It will only work when I list the names of the files individually in the command line. However, for numerous amounts of files this is not an ideal situation. Please advise. 
Furthermore, when I do list out the files in the command line the following error occurs and despite changing permissions I am unable to resolve this.

Please advise.

I am trying to run this from an ubuntu computer.
Please advise.