
Prediction of lncRNA from RNA-Seq data

Primary LanguageJava

Identification of novel lncRNA from RNA-Seq data

lncScore is a Java-based software tool for predicting novel lncRNA directly from assembled isoforms of RNA-Seq data sets. We use a machine learning technique to integrate multiple sources of information that are predictive of lncRNA, and assess whether a given transcript is likely to be a novel lncRNA from RNA-Seq data.

With ~80 features, we achieved faster and reliable performance than previous methods. Our method will help researchers identify novel lncRNAs and determine the potential functional significance of these novel non-coding RNAs.

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  • Kim J, Evgrafov O, Knowles JA, Wang K. lncscore: identification of lncRNA from RNA-Seq data. ASHG 2014, San Diego, CA, USA