
General ROS Packages and other robot-agnostic code developed at ARC lab.

Primary LanguagePython


General ROS Packages and other robot-agnostic code developed at ARC lab.

This repository contains Catkinized packages for ROS Groovy+. It will not build on ROS Fuerte or earlier!

Repository structure

simple_robot_kinematics - Provides a simple Python interface to the forward and inverse kinematics services of a robot. Formerly supported the PR2 using arm_navigation, now supports the PR2 using MoveIt!. Support will be added for the Baxter robot in the near future.

generic_tf_broadcaster - Provides a simple fixed-frame TF broadcaster configurable via launch file. This is used extensively in other lab projects.

ros_email - Provides a SMTP email client for ROS that supports both simple text-only emails and emails with attached files. This package allows your robot to send email notifications and tweet both text and pictures using widely available email->Twitter services.

UDEV_rules - Provides UDEV rules to set device access permissions for devices used in lab, and a script to install them.

Stability and development status

simple_robot_kinematics - Package has been catkinized, awaiting testing with MoveIt! on the PR2 in simulation and real hardware.

generic_tf_broadcaster - Package is stable and tested.

UDEV_rules - All current rules are stable and tested.

ros_email - Package is stable and tested.

Build and usage instructions

To build all packages in this repository:

(in the surrounding Catkin workspace directory)
$ catkin_make

To build a particular package in the repository:

(in the surrounding Catkin workspace directory)
$ catkin_make --pkg <package name>

To use, you must source the workspace:

(in the surrounding Catkin workspace directory)
$ source devel/setup.bash

For usage information and instructions on running components of these packages together, see the repository Wiki.