
Catkin workspace for the Joule using subtrees

Primary LanguagePython

Robot Activity Support (RAS)


Install the following python modules:

sudo pip install gitpython
sudo pip install git-url-parse

Run RAS Experiment

Run the full RAS experiment with robot and tablet.

roslaunch scheduler ras_experiment.launch

Run RAS experiment partially. You append arguments at the end of the roslaunch command to set options. To run without robot, append use_robot:=false. To run without tablet, append use_tablet:=false. You can also use both arguments. By default, they are both set to true.

roslaunch scheduler ras_experiment.launch use_robot:=false use_tablet:=true


Run the goto action server node.

rosrun scheduler goto.py

Run the manager node.

rosrun scheduler manager.py

Publish a goal to the do_error actionlib server /do_error/goal. This is a mock simulation that an error was detected and a goal is sent to the manager. Then the manager triggers the goto action.

rostopic pub /do_error/goal ras_msgs/DoErrorActionGoal '{header: auto, goal:{task_number: 1, error_step: 2}}'

Autostart on boot

To enable on boot (check the service file to make sure the path is right):

sudo cp src/scheduler/ras_experiment.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable ras_experiment.service

To start or stop, use systemctl, e.g.:

sudo systemctl start ras_experiment.service

Allow powering off via the experimenter interface

By default users don't have the privilege to power off without the admin password or using sudo. If we want the ROS service to power off via the experimenter interface, you can do this on both the Joule and Jetson and then start the poweroff.py node:

sudo chmod a+s /sbin/poweroff

Git Subtrees

Cloning repo and its subtrees (ordinary clone):

git clone https://github.com/WSU-RAS/ras.git ras

git subtree commands:

git subtree add   -P <prefix> <commit>
git subtree add   -P <prefix> <repository> <ref>
git subtree pull  -P <prefix> <repository> <ref>
git subtree push  -P <prefix> <repository> <ref>
git subtree merge -P <prefix> <commit>
git subtree split -P <prefix> [OPTIONS] [<commit>]

git push (note: might need to pull before pushing):

git subtree push --prefix=src/adl_error_detection https://github.com/WSU-RAS/adl_error_detection.git master

More information about git subtrees.