
A clone of the YouTube web app built by leveraging the public YouTube V3 API by Google Inc.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

YouTube-Clone Project

Landing Page Screenshot


This is a project to create a clone of the YouTube web app by leveraging the YouTube V3 API endpoints provided by the RapidAPI platform.


  • Installing Node JS & NPM in your local machine. See how here
  • How to use React JS to create frontend web applications. See how here


Run Code locally

To run the project locally, please follow the steps given below.

  • Clone this Repository

    git clone https://github.com/Wandonium/youtube_clone
  • Go to Project directory

    cd youtube_clone
  • Start the project using webpack

    npm start

My process

Built with

  • React JS
  • Material UI
  • Rapid API
  • Axios
  • React-Router-Dom
  • Flexbox
  • Mobile-first workflow

What I learned

How to setup axios with a base url for the API and export a function to be reused with different API endpoints in different React components

import axios from 'axios';

const BASE_URL = 'https://youtube-v31.p.rapidapi.com';

const options = {
    url: BASE_URL,
    withCredentials: false,
    params: {
      maxResults: '50'
    headers: {
      'X-RapidAPI-Key': process.env.REACT_APP_RAPID_API_KEY,
      'X-RapidAPI-Host': 'youtube-v31.p.rapidapi.com'

export const fetchFromAPI = async(url) => {
     const { data } = await axios.get(`${BASE_URL}/${url}`, options);
     return data;

How to use the Material UI sx prop in various MUI components to target different device screen sizes just like how we do it with media queries in CSS.

<Card sx={{ 
    width: { xs: '90vw', sm: '358px', md: '320px' }, 
    boxShadow: 'none', 
    borderRadius: 0 

How to use the BrowserRouter component of react-router-dom package to setup page routing in the root of my React app.

    <Box sx={{ backgroundColor: '#000'}}>
        <Navbar />
            <Route path="/" exact element={<Feed />} />
            <Route path="/video/:id" element={<VideoDetail />} />
            <Route path="/channel/:id" element={<ChannelDetail />} />
            <Route path="/search/:searchTerm" element={<SearchFeed />} />


Any comments, suggestions or corrections are welcome. Contribution are welcome as This repository is licensed under MIT License.