Our approach requires
- Generating a dataset
- Training the visual models (dense correspondence, transporter, etc.)
- Training the dynamics models
- Evaluating closed-loop MPC performance
Each experiment/task has it's own folder, e.g. key_dynam/experiments/drake_pusher_slider
. This folder contains scripts that perform each of the four steps listed above.
Our code is setup to run inside a docker environment. To build the docker image use
cd key_dynam/docker && ./docker_build.py
and to run the docker container use
cd key_dynam/docker && ./docker_run.py
If setting up the env using conda, first go to dense object net repo to install requirements. Then update requirements here. Note: Python=3.6
Install bazel: following https://docs.bazel.build/versions/main/install-ubuntu.html Install drake: following https://drake.mit.edu/python_bindings.html#installation and download v0.25.0
To generate a dataset use for example key_dynam/experiments/drake_pusher_slider/collect_episodes.py
Use the train_dense_descriptor_vision
function of the key_dynam/experiments/drake_pusher_slider/train_and_evaluate.py
Use the methods DD_3D, GT_3D, transporter_3D, train_conv_autoencoder_dynamics
in the key_dynam/experiments/drake_pusher_slider/train_and_evaluate.py