Mock Alamofire and URLSession requests without touching your code implementation
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How can I mock a request only when needed?
#156 opened by gzlboy - 11
- 1
Support custom Error
#148 opened by toanbv-fabbi - 2
The "Empty Responses" example doesn't work: No exact matches in call to initializer
#147 opened by DominikPalo - 1
XCode 14.3 Archive Issue
#146 opened by iamitmishra - 2
The "Empty Responses" example doesn't work: No exact matches in call to initializer
#145 opened by DominikPalo - 1
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- 1
Unable to build on Simulator with ARM64 Arch
#144 opened by nurkenn-keda - 3
Pod Install Issue
#133 opened by sukhaman - 2
Removed Cocoapods
#142 opened by farshadmb - 2
- 1
Tag 2.7.0 deleted!?
#137 opened by choulepoka - 9
RequestError: doesn't mock the error that's passed in and always return sessionTaskFailed
#108 opened by iOSDeveloperL - 1
Optional dataType for empty body
#134 opened by chkpnt - 1
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pod install failed with m1 mac
#129 opened by HeavenMin - 3
postBodyArguments doesn't support Collections
#119 opened by AllDmeat - 2
add mock.unregister so that it can run parrallel?
#120 opened by aelam - 1
Support for application/x-www-form-urlencoded data type and dynamic request body inspection
#115 opened by csanfilippo - 3
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How to Mock POST request which have a response ?
#110 opened by nik6018 - 28
Installation via CocoaPods is Broken
#94 opened by rogerluan - 3
How can I mock no internet response by Mocker?
#100 opened by nhatduy129 - 2
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CocoaPods delivery is broken
#88 opened by AvdLee - 1
Swift 5.0 version?
#82 opened by airowe-ra - 1
Opt-in mock mode instead of Opt-out
#83 opened by letatas - 1
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The manual install results in an error of "swiftlint.sh: No such file or directory"
#80 opened by cgoldammer - 1
Response based on parameters or headers
#79 opened by AlexZd - 1
Failing to register
#77 opened by mkambale - 1
Feature Request: Mock with GET where data is nil
#76 opened by Streebor - 0
URLSessionConfiguration.urlCache support
#72 opened by krzyzanowskim - 1
Create a more extensive DataType enum or allow us to specify Content-Type some other way...
#68 opened by jw7519 - 1
Carthage build failure > 2.0.0
#67 opened by Jordan-Turgeon - 1
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Small fix in examples
#63 opened by MaratIbragimov - 1
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Conflict with other framework
#62 opened by Maverick1000 - 1
Mocking headers?
#56 opened by steelzeh - 2
Error mocking
#51 opened by dehrom - 1
URLSessionUploadTask mocking
#50 opened by artemnovichkov - 2
partial mocking
#49 opened by ekimia - 1