- 13
Stringref should probably be a subtype of anyref
#40 opened by wingo - 0
- 3
Stringref as a toolchain concept
#64 opened by wingo - 16
Clarity on units of string
#65 opened by Maxdamantus - 1
Substrings: slices vs. copies
#63 opened by jakobkummerow - 4
stringref should be non-nullable by default?
#47 opened by wingo - 19
Langues where strings are primarily UTF-8
#62 opened by eqrion - 7
New instruction `string.from_code_point`
#59 opened by Liedtke - 5
New instruction `string.hash`
#60 opened by Liedtke - 20
Is stringref a subtype of eqref?
#20 opened by eqrion - 4
- 11
Library functionality: toUpperCase, etc
#5 opened by wingo - 3
Performance report for kotlin wasm compiler
#57 opened by igoriakovlev - 2
Fallible UTF-8 decoding?
#50 opened by askeksa-google - 2
Algorithmic complexity of instructions
#56 opened by eqrion - 13
- 1
#55 opened by annevk - 0
- 2
Does the interpreter support `stringref` yet?
#52 opened by yviansu - 0
- 3
stirng.encode_wtf16_array with start/end
#49 opened by gkdn - 8
- 11
Is there a better name for `stringview_wtf16`
#12 opened by wingo - 3
Does `string.is_usv_sequence` pull its weight?
#6 opened by wingo - 1
Policy immediates
#35 opened by kripken - 6
`*`, `string.const`, `string.concat` should produce non-nullable results
#42 opened by jakobkummerow - 6
- 1
- 16
Decide on binary encoding
#9 opened by wingo - 4
Require valid UTF-8 string literals?
#2 opened by wingo - 1
Shift type opcodes
#41 opened by rossberg - 2
- 0
- 4
[Feature] string.ord or +
#37 opened by MaxGraey - 2
Perhaps allow substrings in string literal section
#34 opened by wingo - 0
- 3
Behavior of string.eq for null strings
#18 opened by wingo - 0
String slice operands should have exclusive end
#17 opened by wingo - 1
Does string.new_wtf16 use LE or BE encoding?
#15 opened by eqrion - 0
- 1
`string.new_wtf8` versus invalid byte sequences
#21 opened by wingo - 4
Define JS API
#13 opened by wingo - 0
String literal section text format
#27 opened by dcodeIO - 0
Spec to-do: text format
#23 opened by wingo - 10
Fix ordering between memory writes and effects
#16 opened by wingo - 2
Clamping versus trapping for invalid offsets
#19 opened by wingo - 4
stringref default value: empty instead of null?
#14 opened by carlopi - 1
- 0
Alternative: Library API
#8 opened by wingo - 0