Developed using the Unity Engine, 'Herp Derp's Plight' is a 2D, Roguelike, card battler adventure game inspired by 'Dungeons And Dragons', 'Slay The Spire' and 'Divinity 2: Original Sin'. This project is currently my main focus, and due for alpha release in March 2021
- Alex47Smi1EChina
- aliveanyang
- AnglePisces
- Bian-Sh深圳市瑞立视多媒体科技有限公司
- bigdra50University of Aizu
- bilibiliQB
- bmjoyShanghai,China
- CoderDuanChina
- coolboat
- Copperbane
- csy7749
- Dr-Don
- FilterGame台灣
- FirmianaMarsili
- foesdevs
- grandsongNanjing, Jiangsu, China
- HelloShiyw
- ishlilith
- KeyWongQDShandong
- lo420jiangsu
- mengran3275188
- mindGRUV
- Pinkuburu
- qq317423892
- qq814403059
- rivarolle
- riyuejx
- roastfox
- seanuefa
- Severn17BeiJing
- StefanVanhazenINC
- Tac213
- waella
- ytyonly
- ZengLinengChina
- ZhaiYongNing