CUDA Rasterizer


University of Pennsylvania, CIS 565: GPU Programming and Architecture, Project 4

  • Ruoyu Fan
  • Tested on:
    • Windows 10 x64, i7-4720HQ @ 2.60GHz, 16GB Memory, GTX 970M 3072MB (personal laptop)
    • Visual Studio 2015 + CUDA 8.0

Tile-based rasterization: known issue is... artifacts when too many primitives in a tile


With 2*2 SSAA Without SSAA
duck_no_ssaa duck_ssaa

Thanks my girlfriend, who pointed out a bug in my depth test

Things I have done


  • Vertex shading.
  • Primitive assembly with support for triangles read from buffers of index and vertex data.
  • Rasterization.
  • Fragment shading.
  • A depth buffer for storing and depth testing fragments.
  • Fragment-to-depth-buffer writing.
  • Lambert lighting scheme.

Some more:

  • Tile-based rasterization
  • SSAA


I implemented supersample antialiasing, which is configurable by SSAA_LEVEL flag in My SSAA implementation is done by simply multiplying the width and height for render buffers with SSAA_LEVEL, and use average color to scale down at sendImageToPBO.

Below is comparison between SSAA_LEVEL 2 and SSAA_LEVEL 1 (no antialiasing):

With 2*2 SSAA Without SSAA
duck_no_ssaa duck_ssaa

And performance comparison different SSAA levels, using duck.gltf: chart_ssaa

SSAA level milliseconds per frame
1x1 1.2439
2x2 5.10771
3x3 11.2783
4x4 19.9311

The conclusion is that render time per frame increase basically linearly with sample count. Since SSAA is done by changing the size of the actual rendered frame.

Tile-Based Rasterization

Tile-based rasterization is configurable by TILE_BASED_RASTERIZATION flag in

Using one thread per primitive when doing rasterization can have some drawbacks like when there are big triangles occupying the screen, the whole program is waiting for it to be rasterized to fragments, while actually only one thread is working on it.

In my tile-based rasterization, I use a tile buffer to divide the frame into equally sized tiles (fixed size at the moment), and I add every primitive that overlap a tile into its buffer. Then, the kernel function for rasterization is launched by per-tile level.

Performance comparison between tile based rasterization and per-primitive rasterization :


Scene milliseconds per frame
Cow, 2x2 SSAA, tile based 31.4
Cow, 2x2 SSAA, per-permitive 4.8
CheckerBoard, 2x2 SSAA, close view, tile based 12.5
CheckerBoard, 2x2 SSAA, close view, per-primitive 738.6
Speed for checker (2 triangles) with tile-based rasterization Speed without tile-based rasterization
tile-based-checker duck_ssaa

Tile based rasterization does a good job on big primitives, but when there are many small primitives, per-primitive rasterization can be faster.

One reason for tile based rasterization is not fast enough may be that I am copying primitives to tile buffers, and if multiple tiles are sharing a primitive, I was copying the primitive multiple times (while still accessing them in global memory during rasterization)... One improvement will be storing just indices for primitive buffer at tile buffer, another will be using shared memory for tiles

Known Issue:

Currently, limit of primitive count for each tile is fixed as a constant value (64) in my implementation, and it stops accepting new primitives when full, which may lead to some artifacts if too many primitives should be located in one tile.

