
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Gym-PPS is a lightweight Predator-Prey Swarm environment seamlessly integrated into the standard Gym library. Its purpose is to provide a convenient platform for rapidly testing reinforcement learning algorithms and control algorithms utilized in guidance, swarming, or formation tasks. The Bilibili video has reached a milestone of bilibili views.


Please note that the current version of Gym-PPS supports Python 3.8. Therefore, it is recommended to run the library within a Python 3.8 environment, which can be easily set up using a virtual environment such as venv.

We have plans to publish the project on PyPI in the near future. However, at this stage, the library needs to be manually installed.

python setup.py install

To quick start, run the following test example:

cd example_pps
python test_pps.py

A simulation window will pop up as follows:

Cartesian Mode Polar Mode
Cartesian Mode Polar Mode

Simple Script to Start

Using Gym-PPS is quite simple:

## Define the Predator-Prey Swarm (PPS) environment
scenario_name = 'PredatorPreySwarm-v0'  

# customize PPS environment parameters in the .json file
custom_param = 'custom_param.json'      

## Make the environment 
env = gym.make(scenario_name)
custom_param = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/' + custom_param
env = PredatorPreySwarmCustomizer(env, custom_param)

## If NEEDED, Use the following wrappers to customize observations and reward functions 
# env = MyReward(MyObs(env))       

n_p = env.get_param('n_p')
n_e = env.n_e
s = env.reset()   # (obs_dim, n_peo)
for step in range(100):
    env.render( mode='human' )
    a_pred = np.random.uniform(-1,1,(2, n_p)) 
    a_prey = np.random.uniform(-1,1,(2, n_e))
    a = np.concatenate((a_pred, a_prey), axis=-1)
    s_, r, done, info = env.step(a)
    s = s_.copy()

Customize Environment

To customize the parameters of the environment, such as the number of predators and the dynamics mode, you can easily specify the desired values in the custom_param.json file, as shown below:

    "dynamics_mode": "Polar",
    "n_p": 3,
    "n_e": 10,
    "pursuer_strategy": "random",
    "escaper_strategy": "nearest",
    "is_periodic": true

You can also directly set or get the environment parameters:

n_p = env.get_param('n_p')
env.set_param('n_p', 10)

Customize Observation or Reward

To customize your own observation or reward functions, modify the functions in custom_env.py:

class MyObs(gym.ObservationWrapper):

    def __init__(self, env):
        self.observation_space = spaces.Box(shape=(2, env.n_p+env.n_e), low=-np.inf, high=np.inf)

    def observation(self, obs):

        n_pe = self.env.n_p + self.env.n_e
        obs = np.ones((2, n_pe))
        return obs

        return obs

class MyReward(gym.RewardWrapper):
    def reward(self, reward):

        reward = np.sum(self.env.is_collide_b2b)

        return reward

Then you should add the following wrappers in your file which creates environment to customize observations and reward functions

env = MyReward(MyObs(env)) 

Train Models

To train your own network, run main.py in NJP_algorithm folder. You can also customize your enviroment using the methods provided.

Then your models will be loaded in models folder. To visualize your models effect, run testmodel.py in NJP_algorithm folder.

A trained model will be presented as follows:

After Evolution Confuse Effect
After Evolution Confuse Effect

Parameter List

Below is a list of the parameters that can be customized:

Parameter name Meaning Default value
n_p number of predators 3
n_e number of prey 10
is_periodic whether the environment is periodic True
pursuer_strategy embedded pursuer control algorithm 'input'
escaper_strategy embedded prey control algorithm 'input'
penalize_control_effort whether to penalize control effort in reward functions True
penalize_collide_walls whether to penalize wall collision in reward functions False
penalize_distance whether to penalize predator-prey distance in reward False
penalize_collide_agents whether to penalize agents collisions in reward functions False
FoV_p Field of View for predators 5
FoV_e Field of View for prey 5
topo_n_p2e topological distance for predators seeing prey 5
topo_n_e2p topological distance for prey seeing predators 2
topo_n_p2p topological distance for predators seeing predators 2
topo_n_e2e = 5 topological distance for prey seeing prey 5
m_p mass of predators 3
m_e mass of prey 1
size_p size of predators 0.06
size_e size of prey 0.035
render_traj whether to render trajectories True


This algorithm framework was constructed based on the one from https://github.com/shariqiqbal2810/maddpg-pytorch. We utilized the MADDPG class there to implement multi-agent reinforcement learning.

Paper Download as PDF Button

Gym-PPS appears first in the paper

  title={Predator--prey survival pressure is sufficient to evolve swarming behaviors},
  author={Li, Jianan and Li, Liang and Zhao, Shiyu},
  journal={New Journal of Physics},
  publisher={IOP Publishing}