WARM-based tools to interact/support the ARENA
This repository includes:
- WASM runtime: WARM with modifications to support MQTT pubsub (based on WARM/samples/simple/, using our modified WAMR runtime)
- bridge-tool: Bridge MQTT/REST to the runtime (based on WARM/test-tools/host-tool)
- WASM file upload utility: Tool to upload WASM files so that the runtime can execute them
- Dockerfile for a container that executes the runtime, bridge and file upload utility
- WASM demo applications
See a depiction of the relation between the runtime and the bridge here.
1. Install tools/dependencies: build-essential cmake g++-multilib git lib32gcc-5-dev
2. Clone the repo
3. cd wamr-demo
4. ./build.sh
The Dockerfile is a good documentation of the setup needed.
Dependencies for other systems are similar to WAMR: https://github.com/intel/wasm-micro-runtime/blob/master/doc/building.md
You can find a dockerized build in Docker Hub
Running the dockerized build (runtime + bridge) is a good way to test it. Run:
docker run -it -p 8000:8000 npereira/wamr-demo
REST Interface
You can send commands to install/uninstall and query runtimes by sending requests to the /cwasm/v1/modules
Install module named 'pub' from the wasm file named 'mqtt_publisher.wasm':
curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"pub", "wasm_file":"mqtt_publisher.wasm"}' http://<runtime-ip>:<port>/cwasm/v1/modules
The default port is
. This is configured in the fileconfig.ini
The file indicated (mqtt_publisher.wasm in the example) must exist in the runtime local folder
(configurable inconfig.ini
). To upload a file, you can use the upload utility (see bellow).
Uninstall module named 'pub':
curl -v -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"pub"}' http://<runtime-ip>:<port>/cwasm/v1/modules
Query installed modules:
curl -v http://<runtime-ip>:<port>/cwasm/v1/modules
MQTT Interface
The runtime uses a UUID as defined in the file config.ini
(default is runtime1
). When launching from the docker image, the container start script assigns a new UUID to the runtime.
Each runtime will send events to <realm>/r/<UUID>
, where realm
is also configured in config.ini
MQTT Runtime Events
Runtime start/stop events
When the runtime starts, it sends a start
message to the MQTT topic <realm>/r/<UUID>
. It also sets a last will message on this topic, so that the MQTT server notifies that it detected the end of the connection to the runtime. These are the json messages for start/stop:
{ "id":"<runtime uuid>", "label": "<runtime uuid>", "cmd": "rt-start" }
{ "id":"<runtime uuid>", "label": "<runtime uuid>", "cmd": "rt-stop" }
Module install/uninstall events
Module install/uninstall events are also sent to the MQTT topic <realm>/r/<UUID>
, with the format:
{ "id":"<module uuid>", "label": "<module-name>", "parent":"<runtime uuid>", "cmd": "module-inst", "module-name": "<module name>"}"
{ "id":"<module uuid>", "label": "<module-name>", "parent":"<runtime uuid>", "cmd": "module-uninst", "module-name": "<module name>"}"
Publisher/Subscriber start/stop events
When a module publishes for the first time, stops, subscribes or unsubscribes to a topic, events are sent in the format:
{ "id":"<pub/sub uuid>", "label": "<mqtt topic>", "parent":"<module uuid>", "cmd": "pub-start", "topic": "<mqtt topic>"}"
{ "id":"<pub/sub uuid>", "label": "<mqtt topic>", "parent":"<module uuid>", "cmd": "pub-stop", "topic": "<mqtt topic>"}"
{ "id":"<pub/sub uuid>", "label": "<mqtt topic>", "parent":"<module uuid>", "cmd": "sub-start", "topic": "<mqtt topic>"}"
{ "id":"<pub/sub uuid>", "label": "<mqtt topic>", "parent":"<module uuid>", "cmd": "sub-stop", "topic": "<mqtt topic>"}"
WASM File Upload Utility
To upload WASM files to the runtime, send them to the /upload
endpoint of the http upload utility (port 8021 by default; also defined in config.ini
) :
curl --data "name=mqtt_publisher" --data-binary @./mqtt_publisher.wasm http://localhost:8080/cwasm/v1/modules
The argument
indicates the WASM file name, to which the .wasm extension is added. The file is saved in thewasm-apps/
(configurable inconfig.ini
WASM Applications
The WASM applications have the WAMR APIs available.
Libc API
We extended slightly the Libc API's available in WAMR. These are the added calls:
char *gcvt(float value, int ndigits, char * buf);
int rand();
void srand(unsigned seed);
time_t time(time_t *second);
We also added the following calls to Publish/Subscribe on MQTT, defined in mqtt_pubsub.h.
bool mqtt_publish(const char *url, int fmt, void *payload, int payload_len);
bool mqtt_subscribe(const char *topic, request_handler_f handler);
WASM Aplication Examples
See the examples at wasm-apps. To build these examples, type make
in this folder (uses emscripten to compile; see WAMR instructions on how to install, or have a look at the Dockerfile).