
Static Bootstrap 4 site generated by Jekyll

Primary LanguageSCSS


Static Bootstrap 4 site generated by Jekyll

Local Development

  • Install Jekyll
  • Install any new ruby packages via bundle install
  • Dependencies: gem install --user-install html-proofer
  • Preview changes with jekyll serve at http://localhost:4000

Making Updates

Modify content pages and push commit. Changes to master branch will automatically be deployed to the live server (in about 60s) unless a skip keyword is included in commit message, e.g.


[skip ci] 


The news list is a simple markdown block.


Add projects to the _projects directory.

Specify the following metatags in header:

  • layout: project
  • title: [title]
  • image: "/img/projects/[filename]"
  • priority: [int]

The body is markdown-enabled description of the project.
Images should be 3:2 ratio, ideally 510px * 340px.

Team Members

Add team members to the _team directory. Move similarly formated entries into the _alumni directory as applicable.

Specify the following metatags in header:

  • firstname: [firstname]
  • lastname: [lastname]
  • priority: [int]
  • title: [title]
  • affiliation: [department/school]
  • website: [url]
  • image: "/img/team/[filename]"

Images should be square, ideally 450px * 450px.
Team member display is sorted first by priority, then by last name.


Add/update BibTeX file as /_pubs/wise.bib

Supports following custom fields:

  • link: URL to external ref, replaces url field. Displayed as hyperlink (Link)
  • pdf: URL to PDF file. Displayed as hyperlink (PDF)
  • award: Award mention, outputs as red text towards end of entry

NOTE: Tilde characters (~) in the pdf or link field must be escaped by \%7E