ref :
This code extracts only pure depth from the bag file.
- A good installation of ROS
- Numpy
- python
- CVbridge
cd src/bag2rgbdepth/scripts/
Arange the bag files in diffrent folders for each bag file as below
- Bag folder1
- bagfile1.bag
- Bag folder2
- bagfile2.bag
step 1: Run using sh
on one terminal
step 2: Open another terminal and run sh
step 3: Wait
The folder strcture now will be
- Bag folder1
- bagfile.bag
- depth_images1
- dframe1.jpg
- dframe1.npy
- ...
- dframen.jpg
- dframen.npy
- rgb_images1
- frame1.jpg
- frame1.npy
- ...
- framen.jpg
- framen.npy
- Bag folder2
- bagfile2.bag
- depth_images1
- dframe1.jpg
- dframe1.npy
- ...
- dframen.jpg
- dframen.npy
- rgb_images1
- frame1.jpg
- frame1.npy
- ...
- framen.jpg
- framen.npy
First you will need to build the code
- OpenCV 3
- ROS desktop full
- C++ Compiler
Open launch file in launch
vim Bag_to_Depth/src/bag2rgbdepth/launch/extractbag_to_rgbd.launch
Edit the line where it says
<param name="folder_extract_location" value="./"/>
Change the value
to the folder where you need to extract the images. The code will add the rgb and depth files.
Excute the below bash script
cd Bag_to_Depth/
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch bag2rgbdepth extractbag_to_rgbd.launch
Meanwhile in another terminal run these two commands
roscore &
rosbag play bagfile1.bag
The folder strcture now will be
- Bag folder1
- bagfile.bag
- depth_images1
- dframe1.jpg
- ...
- dframen.jpg
- rgb_images1
- frame1.jpg
- ...
- framen.jpg