
Python code to extract depth and rgb data from rosbag

Primary LanguageCMakeMIT LicenseMIT

Bag to Depth and RGB

This code is usefull for grabbing RGB and depth data from BAG file of ros in python and C++

The Python Code saves in both jpg and numpy pickle. Where as the C++ Code saves only in jpg

What is needed

  • A good installation of ROS
  • Numpy
  • python
  • CVbridge

How to execute ?

Pre-Run requirements

Python Code

cd src/bag2rgbdepth/scripts/

Arange the bag files in diffrent folders for each bag file as below

  • Bag folder1
    • bagfile1.bag
  • Bag folder2
    • bagfile2.bag
  • grabrgb.py
  • grabdepth.py
  • truedepthandrgb.sh

How to run

step 1: Run ros.sh using sh ros.sh on one terminal

step 2: Open another terminal and run sh truedepthandrgb.sh

step 3: Wait

What after it executes

The folder strcture now will be

  • Bag folder1
    • bagfile.bag
    • depth_images1
      • dframe1.jpg
      • dframe1.npy
      • ...
      • dframen.jpg
      • dframen.npy
    • rgb_images1
      • frame1.jpg
      • frame1.npy
      • ...
      • framen.jpg
      • framen.npy
  • Bag folder2
    • bagfile2.bag
    • depth_images1
      • dframe1.jpg
      • dframe1.npy
      • ...
      • dframen.jpg
      • dframen.npy
    • rgb_images1
      • frame1.jpg
      • frame1.npy
      • ...
      • framen.jpg
      • framen.npy


First you will need to build the code

  • OpenCV 3
  • ROS desktop full
  • C++ Compiler

Open launch file in launch folder

vim Bag_to_Depth/src/bag2rgbdepth/launch/extractbag_to_rgbd.launch

Edit the line where it says

<param name="folder_extract_location" value="./"/>

Change the value to the folder where you need to extract the images. The code will add the rgb and depth files.

Excute the below bash script

cd Bag_to_Depth/
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch bag2rgbdepth extractbag_to_rgbd.launch

Meanwhile in another terminal run these two commands

roscore &
rosbag play bagfile1.bag

What after it executes

The folder strcture now will be

  • Bag folder1
    • bagfile.bag
    • depth_images1
      • dframe1.jpg
      • ...
      • dframen.jpg
    • rgb_images1
      • frame1.jpg
      • ...
      • framen.jpg