Community fork of OpenDJ, an LDAP server originally developed by ForgeRock.
- 0
- 0
- 5
- 1
Allow configuring hostname in Docker container
#84 opened by pavelhoral - 1
- 2
- 1
- 6
Unable to build with precommit profile
#71 opened by pavelhoral - 5
HTTP endpoints do not return full JSON response
#78 opened by fyrbach - 2
Docker run crashes on OSX
#62 opened by minnoroth - 1
Remove the ForgeRock Commercial License
#33 opened by Kortanul - 2
Calling DS status returns exit code 6
#65 opened by minnoroth - 8
- 1
- 1
Unable to build on Windows Adoptium / Temurin (error configuring jdk.xml.xpathExprGrpLimit)
#72 opened by pavelhoral - 1
Not able to produce test coverage report
#70 opened by pavelhoral - 5
Linux cannot start the setup script file
#68 opened by 136750162 - 1
- 14
unable to build
#61 opened by 136750162 - 0
Simplify connection handler names
#63 opened by pavelhoral - 1
- 1
- 2
- 1
import-ldif crashes on OutOfMemoryError
#49 opened by fyrbach - 1
- 1
upgrade JE backend
#1 opened by Kortanul - 2
maven-jar-plugin fails on opendj-server-legacy after updating to wrensec-parent 3.x
#26 opened by Kortanul - 1
- 2
- 1
- 1
`testGetFreePort` fails in WSL on Windows
#29 opened by Kortanul - 2
Unable to maven install
#36 opened by jefflks - 2
- 4
Move all repositories from WrenArchiver here
#37 opened by Neustradamus - 0
- 2
Rest2LDAP requests hang indefinitely if an async request thread encounters a RuntimeException
#10 opened by GuyPaddock - 0
- 1
- 0
`opendj-doc-generated-ref` plug-in fails in `opendj-server-legacy` on Windows machines with JDK8
#25 opened by Kortanul - 0
OpenIDM Account Change Notification Handler Does Not Package Properly on Windows
#21 opened by GuyPaddock - 0
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 0