
Simulate the endpoint of 2Link Robot Arm

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

  1. Download the repository from link

  2. Extract the folder on the Desktop (or in the preferred directory)

  3. Download Anaconda from this link

  4. Install Anaconda

  5. Open Anaconda Prompt (Anaconda3) from the Start menu

  6. In the terminal use cd and the directory where did you extracted the folder(for example cd Desktop/FOLDERNAME)

  7. Type conda env create -f robot.yml

  8. Type conda activate robotarm

  9. Type conda install pywin32=227

  10. Type python -m ipykernel install --user --name=python3

  11. Type jupyter notebook

  12. You are ready to use jupyter.

  13. Every time that we want to start to work again we have to

  14. Open Anaconda Prompt (Anaconda3) in Start

  15. Go to the directory of folder (for example cd Desktop/FOLDERNAME)

  16. Type conda activate robotarm (this will activate the environment robotarm)

  17. Type jupyter notebook (this will open the notebook with all the files)