Official Implementation of ICML 2023 paper: "A Generalization of ViT/MLP-Mixer to Graphs"
- 2019mohamedProteinea
- Alex1992On
- amoreheadUniversity of Missouri
- arpastranaPrinceton University
- azizbukhamseen
- celi52Iowa State University
- CZhangXD
- eridgdPittsburgh, PA
- fablosDeMaCS, University of Calabria
- fly51flyPRIS
- HakeemDemiLondon UK
- hypnopump
- jx291605427
- jycampionPittsburgh, PA
- kzhoa
- LouiValley
- MacOSVienna
- mbaqerUniversity of Massachusetts Dartmouth
- Minimong
- nijnsteinNS Software
- onlyonewater
- playgrdstarplaygrd
- ptaxomIntel
- qiyan98Vancouver, Canada
- rish-16@KrishnaswamyLab @Graph-and-Geometric-Learning
- Rishit-dagliUofT, @Qualcomm-AI-research
- SuperDouble广州市
- thaneverHKU
- tomasffUnited Kingdom
- vijaydwivedi75Stanford University
- vk0stUBRD
- WxxShirleyThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
- XiaoxinHeNUS
- YavarYeganehPolitecnico di Milano
- ycjingThe University of Sydney
- zhh6425