Different buffers during basic image transfer example
sergey-gra opened this issue · 9 comments
Hello. I'm trying to reproduce vnx-basic-image-transfer.ipynb Notebook example. I have three Alveo U50 boards on the same host and two of those are connected via QSFP28.
The first issue is that I got this warning /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pynq/pl_server/xrt_device.py:89: UserWarning: xbutil failed to run - unable to determine XRT version 'xbutil failed to run - unable to determine XRT version')
when running that part of code from JupiterLab
from vnx_utils import *
import pynq
%run dask_pynq.py
But after the second time running the same cell the warning isn't shown.
My XRT version: 2.12.427
Vitis version: 2021.1
Pynq version: 2.7.0
The second issue that I got an error from this command ol_w1.networklayer_0.get_arp_table()
The error is shown below
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-17-fc14260aa3d0> in <module>
8 ol_w1.networklayer_0.arp_discovery()
9 #4
---> 10 ol_w1.networklayer_0.get_arp_table()
AttributeError: 'NetworkLayer' object has no attribute 'get_arp_table'
The third one is that mm2s buffer is different than received s2mm buffer
[ 46 142 17 ... 2 7 3]
[ 46 142 17 ... 0 0 0]
Output from register_map after image transfer
RegisterMap {
mac_address = Register(value=35888057852358624),
ip_address = Register(value=3232235525),
gateway = Register(value=3232235521),
ip_mask = Register(value=4294967040),
eth_in_cycles = Register(value=92629932406),
eth_in_bytes = Register(value=7866168),
eth_in_packets = Register(value=6161),
pkth_in_cycles = Register(value=92629932407),
pkth_in_bytes = Register(value=7790652),
pkth_in_packets = Register(value=6161),
arp_in_cycles = Register(value=91131066246),
arp_in_bytes = Register(value=46020),
arp_in_packets = Register(value=767),
arp_out_cycles = Register(value=91408372667),
arp_out_bytes = Register(value=45660),
arp_out_packets = Register(value=761),
icmp_in_cycles = Register(value=0),
icmp_in_bytes = Register(value=0),
icmp_in_packets = Register(value=0),
icmp_out_cycles = Register(value=0),
icmp_out_bytes = Register(value=0),
icmp_out_packets = Register(value=0),
ethhi_out_cycles = Register(value=0),
ethhi_out_bytes = Register(value=0),
ethhi_out_packets = Register(value=0),
eth_out_cycles = Register(value=91408372667),
eth_out_bytes = Register(value=45660),
eth_out_packets = Register(value=761),
udp_in_cycles = Register(value=83370835570),
udp_in_bytes = Register(value=7744632),
udp_in_packets = Register(value=5394),
app_out_cycles = Register(value=8485351701),
app_out_bytes = Register(value=1835008),
app_out_packets = Register(value=1316),
udp_out_cycles = Register(value=0),
udp_out_bytes = Register(value=0),
udp_out_packets = Register(value=0),
app_in_cycles = Register(value=83370835565),
app_in_bytes = Register(value=7593600),
app_in_packets = Register(value=5394),
debug_reset_counters = Register(value=0),
arp_discovery = Register(value=0),
arp_valid_offset = Register(value=0),
arp_ip_addr_offset = Register(value=0),
arp_mac_addr_offset = Register(value=0),
udp_theirIP_offset = Register(value=0),
udp_theirPort_offset = Register(value=0),
udp_myPort_offset = Register(value=0),
udp_valid_offset = Register(value=0),
udp_number_sockets = Register(value=16)
RegisterMap {
mac_address = Register(value=43839036682),
ip_address = Register(value=3232235530),
gateway = Register(value=3232235521),
ip_mask = Register(value=4294967040),
eth_in_cycles = Register(value=91408371989),
eth_in_bytes = Register(value=45660),
eth_in_packets = Register(value=761),
pkth_in_cycles = Register(value=91408371989),
pkth_in_bytes = Register(value=45660),
pkth_in_packets = Register(value=761),
arp_in_cycles = Register(value=91408371989),
arp_in_bytes = Register(value=45660),
arp_in_packets = Register(value=761),
arp_out_cycles = Register(value=91131065572),
arp_out_bytes = Register(value=46020),
arp_out_packets = Register(value=767),
icmp_in_cycles = Register(value=0),
icmp_in_bytes = Register(value=0),
icmp_in_packets = Register(value=0),
icmp_out_cycles = Register(value=0),
icmp_out_bytes = Register(value=0),
icmp_out_packets = Register(value=0),
ethhi_out_cycles = Register(value=83370834158),
ethhi_out_bytes = Register(value=7820148),
ethhi_out_packets = Register(value=5394),
eth_out_cycles = Register(value=92629930872),
eth_out_bytes = Register(value=7866168),
eth_out_packets = Register(value=6161),
udp_in_cycles = Register(value=0),
udp_in_bytes = Register(value=0),
udp_in_packets = Register(value=0),
app_out_cycles = Register(value=83370833748),
app_out_bytes = Register(value=7593600),
app_out_packets = Register(value=5394),
udp_out_cycles = Register(value=83370834136),
udp_out_bytes = Register(value=7744632),
udp_out_packets = Register(value=5394),
app_in_cycles = Register(value=0),
app_in_bytes = Register(value=0),
app_in_packets = Register(value=0),
debug_reset_counters = Register(value=0),
arp_discovery = Register(value=0),
arp_valid_offset = Register(value=0),
arp_ip_addr_offset = Register(value=0),
arp_mac_addr_offset = Register(value=0),
udp_theirIP_offset = Register(value=0),
udp_theirPort_offset = Register(value=0),
udp_myPort_offset = Register(value=0),
udp_valid_offset = Register(value=0),
udp_number_sockets = Register(value=16)
Thanks is advance.
Ho @sergey-gra,
UserWarning: xbutil failed to run - unable to determine XRT version 'xbutil failed to run - unable to determine XRT version'
Did you apply the patch discussed in the notes here for XRT 2.12 or newer? https://github.com/Xilinx/xup_vitis_network_example#tools
The second issue that I got an error from this command ol_w1.networklayer_0.get_arp_table()
I'll be fixing this soon.
The third one is that mm2s buffer is different than received s2mm buffer
What notebook are you using?
Please, pull the latest changes from the repo to fix AttributeError: 'NetworkLayer' object has no attribute 'get_arp_table'
Hi @mariodruiz. Thank you for your replies.
Did you apply the patch discussed in the notes here for XRT 2.12 or newer? https://github.com/Xilinx/xup_vitis_network_example#tools
Please, pull the latest changes from the repo to fix AttributeError: 'NetworkLayer' object has no attribute 'get_arp_table'
After applying that changes errors are fixed. Thank you.
What notebook are you using?
I'm using vnx-basic-image-transfer.ipynb. s2mm and mm2s buffers outputs are different, but images are the same after plotting.
Output of command msg = "Yes!" if np.array_equal(mm2s_buf, s2mm_buf) else "No!"
is No.
Query embedded debug probes output
rx app: total payload packets 0 bytes 0 throughput 0.000 Gbps
tx app: total payload packets 0 bytes 0 throughput 0.000 Gbps
I'm using vnx-basic-image-transfer.ipynb. s2mm and mm2s buffers outputs are different, but images are the same after plotting.
That's very interesting. Does the cell with s2mm_wh.wait()
Instead of using showDebugProbes()
, can you try?
The same for the other Alveo card.
A few more questions
- What shell are you using?
- What cable are you using to connect the Alveos? I suppose you are connecting them point to point.
- Can you check if the cmac in the Rx Alveo reports any value non 0 with the string
on it, e.g.ol_w0.cmac_0.get_stats()
- Did you check using the other Alveo card? Or even changing which alveo sends and which receives?
My feeling is that the data is being transmitted, this is based on the stats you reported above. But, for some reason there are some bit errors. These bit errors won't be noticeable in the plotted image, but the numpy array comparison will detect them.
Did you check using the other Alveo card? Or even changing which alveo sends and which receives?
I changed sequence of Alveo devices in the code(replaced sender and receiver) and it works fine! Thanks a lot @mariodruiz .
That's great!
It would be good to understand why in the other scenario it is not working. The stats from the cmac are key for this.
Below I provide outputs for case when buffers were different.
Output of ol_w0.networklayer_0.get_debug_stats for first device
{'tx_path': {'arp': {'packets': 1532, 'bytes': 91920, 'cycles': 4976427235855}, 'icmp': {'packets': 0, 'bytes': 0, 'cycles': 0}, 'ethernet_header_inserter': {'packets': 0, 'bytes': 0, 'cycles': 0}, 'ethernet': {'packets': 1532, 'bytes': 91920, 'cycles': 4976427235855}, 'app': {'packets': 0, 'bytes': 0, 'cycles': 0}, 'udp': {'packets': 0, 'bytes': 0, 'cycles': 0}}, 'rx_path': {'ethernet': {'packets': 12575, 'bytes': 15747516, 'cycles': 4976491476719}, 'packet_handler': {'packets': 12575, 'bytes': 15596484, 'cycles': 4976491476720}, 'arp': {'packets': 1787, 'bytes': 107220, 'cycles': 4976422514422}, 'icmp': {'packets': 0, 'bytes': 0, 'cycles': 0}, 'udp': {'packets': 10788, 'bytes': 15489264, 'cycles': 4971225531389}, 'app': {'packets': 10788, 'bytes': 15187200, 'cycles': 4971225531384}}}
Output of ol_w1.networklayer_0.get_debug_stats for second device
{'tx_path': {'arp': {'packets': 1787, 'bytes': 107220, 'cycles': 4976422543748}, 'icmp': {'packets': 0, 'bytes': 0, 'cycles': 0}, 'ethernet_header_inserter': {'packets': 10788, 'bytes': 15640296, 'cycles': 4971225559904}, 'ethernet': {'packets': 12575, 'bytes': 15747516, 'cycles': 4976491505184}, 'app': {'packets': 10788, 'bytes': 15187200, 'cycles': 4971225559495}, 'udp': {'packets': 10788, 'bytes': 15489264, 'cycles': 4971225559884}}, 'rx_path': {'ethernet': {'packets': 1532, 'bytes': 91920, 'cycles': 4976427265181}, 'packet_handler': {'packets': 1532, 'bytes': 91920, 'cycles': 4976427265181}, 'arp': {'packets': 1532, 'bytes': 91920, 'cycles': 4976427265181}, 'icmp': {'packets': 0, 'bytes': 0, 'cycles': 0}, 'udp': {'packets': 0, 'bytes': 0, 'cycles': 0}, 'app': {'packets': 0, 'bytes': 0, 'cycles': 0}}}
Output of ol_w0.cmac_0.get_stats() for first device
{'tx': {'packets': 255, 'good_packets': 255, 'bytes': 16320, 'good_bytes': 16320, 'packets_64B': 255, 'packets_65_127B': 0, 'packets_128_255B': 0, 'packets_256_511B': 0, 'packets_512_1023B': 0, 'packets_1024_1518B': 0, 'packets_1519_1522B': 0, 'packets_1523_1548B': 0, 'packets_1549_2047B': 0, 'packets_2048_4095B': 0, 'packets_4096_8191B': 0, 'packets_8192_9215B': 0, 'packets_large': 0, 'packets_small': 0, 'bad_fcs': 0, 'pause': 0, 'user_pause': 0}, 'rx': {'packets': 2053, 'good_packets': 2053, 'bytes': 2630228, 'good_bytes': 2630228, 'packets_64B': 255, 'packets_65_127B': 0, 'packets_128_255B': 0, 'packets_256_511B': 0, 'packets_512_1023B': 0, 'packets_1024_1518B': 1798, 'packets_1519_1522B': 0, 'packets_1523_1548B': 0, 'packets_1549_2047B': 0, 'packets_2048_4095B': 0, 'packets_4096_8191B': 0, 'packets_8192_9215B': 0, 'packets_large': 0, 'packets_small': 0, 'packets_undersize': 0, 'packets_fragmented': 0, 'packets_oversize': 0, 'packets_toolong': 0, 'packets_jabber': 0, 'bad_fcs': 0, 'packets_bad_fcs': 0, 'stomped_fcs': 0, 'pause': 0, 'user_pause': 0}, 'cycle_count': 18633460065}
Output of ol_w1.cmac_0.get_stats() for second device
{'tx': {'packets': 2053, 'good_packets': 2053, 'bytes': 2630228, 'good_bytes': 2630228, 'packets_64B': 255, 'packets_65_127B': 0, 'packets_128_255B': 0, 'packets_256_511B': 0, 'packets_512_1023B': 0, 'packets_1024_1518B': 1798, 'packets_1519_1522B': 0, 'packets_1523_1548B': 0, 'packets_1549_2047B': 0, 'packets_2048_4095B': 0, 'packets_4096_8191B': 0, 'packets_8192_9215B': 0, 'packets_large': 0, 'packets_small': 0, 'bad_fcs': 0, 'pause': 0, 'user_pause': 0}, 'rx': {'packets': 255, 'good_packets': 255, 'bytes': 16320, 'good_bytes': 16320, 'packets_64B': 255, 'packets_65_127B': 0, 'packets_128_255B': 0, 'packets_256_511B': 0, 'packets_512_1023B': 0, 'packets_1024_1518B': 0, 'packets_1519_1522B': 0, 'packets_1523_1548B': 0, 'packets_1549_2047B': 0, 'packets_2048_4095B': 0, 'packets_4096_8191B': 0, 'packets_8192_9215B': 0, 'packets_large': 0, 'packets_small': 0, 'packets_undersize': 0, 'packets_fragmented': 0, 'packets_oversize': 0, 'packets_toolong': 0, 'packets_jabber': 0, 'bad_fcs': 0, 'packets_bad_fcs': 0, 'stomped_fcs': 0, 'pause': 0, 'user_pause': 0}, 'cycle_count': 18632910452}
As we see there is not "bad" string parameter with non 0 value.
It's intriguing because of the stats look good. If you find this again let me know.