What Went Wrong: Closing the Sim-to-Real Gap Via Differentiable Causal Discovery

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


What Went Wrong? Closing the Sim-to-Real Gap via Differentiable Causal Discovery

Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2023

[Webpage] | [Arxiv]

Please raise an issue or reach out to the authors if you need help with running the code.

Prepare Conda Env

Note: Our simulation environments are modified from robosuite.

conda env create -f environment.yml
pip install -e .

How to run

cd ./scripts/
conda activate compass

## You could start with our first air hockey environment and random action
python3 main.py --exp_name pusher

## Running code for drop environment and random action
python3 main.py --exp_name drop

## Running code for air hockey environment with SAC/PPO Agent training in the loop
python3 main.py --use_sac_agent 
python3 main.py --use_ppo_agent

There are a few parameters that you can tune from arguments, please feel free to modify them and discovery how COMPASS performs.

Logs will be saved using tensorboard

## Both the causal discovery and agent training will be saved under logdir folder
tensorboard --logdir= /Sim2Real-Compass/scripts/logdir/


Robosuite: A Modular Simulation Framework and Benchmark for Robot Learning


      title={What Went Wrong? Closing the Sim-to-Real Gap via Differentiable Causal Discovery}, 
      author={Peide Huang and Xilun Zhang and Ziang Cao and Shiqi Liu and Mengdi Xu and Wenhao Ding and Jonathan Francis and Bingqing Chen and Ding Zhao},