
This is the repo for BioDepot Front End work using neutralinojs

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Neutralino.js Template With Vite.js and Vue.js


Neutralino.js is a new competitor to Electron.js which is smaller and consumes tiny amount of ram.


Vite.js is the new generation of build tools which loads up extremely fast and provides a lot out of the box.


Vue.js is one of the newest javascript frameworks with extremely lean leanring curve and very fun to work with. Has become exceptionally better in version 3. This template uses Vue.js version 3

This template brings all these together and gives you the starting point to make top notch desktop apps.


  • Clone this repository
  • cd into the directory
  • yarn
  • npx neu update
  • change these things according to your app
    • name and description in package.json
    • applicationId, modes.window.title and cli.binaryName in neutralino.config.js
    • title tag in index.html
    • public/favicon.ico
    • public/icons/appIcon.png


  • yarn serve starts the dev server of vite in 8080 port. (you can change it in the vite.config.js)
  • develop your application in src
  • yarn serve:neu builds your app and opens it in the neu window.
  • after you are done, yarn build build the js app and packages it with neu
  • your app binaries are at dist


  • Run dev server directly in Neutralino.js window (Vite.js must some how build on every change and then neu listen)