A collection of scripts that would be useful in during certain security contests.

!! Make sure to change the IP in Beachhead/watershell.sh to your IP if you dont want it going to a team server as well as run python3 -m http.server 80 while in the UnnamedSecurityContest root

!! Make sure to alos change the IP in Beachhed/sliver.sh to be your IP if you dont want it going to a team server. You will also need to put a payload in Beachhead_source/sliverPayloads.

!! Change the ip on phpUDP as well

The Private SSH key loaded will be distributed through another channel.

!! Beachhead - Install many access points - requires root access

  • adduser - Creates user scoring:redteam123
  • aptAPT - Installs several apt pre-execution scripts.
    • changes the root password to redteam123
    • Modifies /etc/sshd/sshd_config to allow password login
    • Modifies /etc/sshd/sshd_config to allow remote root login
    • Loads a known SSH pubkey into authorized keys.
  • mksuidshell - Compiles a SUID shell and places it as /usr/bin/sushi, /usr/bin/bash, nologin, sh
  • PAMswap - Copies the PAM permit object over the deny object making failed logins work.
  • phonehome - Installs a debian package, which installs a go binary as a systemd service that runs whatever command is posted in a google cloud bucket.
  • watershell - Runs a watershell backdoor on port 1337
  • suid - Creats a bin at /usr/bin/croissant with suid giving root shell
  • itablesflush - Creates a cron to flush IP tables
  • hidetraffic - Patches severals bins to hide red team traffic

!! Compiled Binaries

  • sshd - backdoored sshd daemon. remote root login always allowed, password "redteam" accepted for any user.
  • ssh - client to activate a secondary backdoor which doesn't log logins. https://github.com/Psmths/openssh-backdoor
  • sushi - precompiled suid shell
  • suidrun - runs the command pass as root (suitable for webshells) e.g. suidrun /bin/touch /tmp/win
  • watershell - a udp backdoor that bypasses iptables

!! Runners - Utilities to execute other scripts

  • attack_linux_w_su.py - Connects to a box with one user, su's to another user, executes all scripts in a tar.gz. The scripts should be within a directory named 'remote'. Requires python paramiko. Requires a remote.sh to execute all the scripts.
  • attack_linux_w_sudo.py - Connects to a box with one user, executes all scripts in a tar.gz using sudo. The scripts should be within a directory named 'remote'. Requires python paramiko.
  • attack_master.py Loops through a file executing each command
  • a list of commands to be executed. likely calling attack_linux...

!! Sliver Commands

  • generate --mtls --save /root/UnnamedSecurityContest/Beachhead_source/sliverPayloads/ --os linux
  • generate beacon --mtls --save /root/UnnamedSecurityContest/Beachhead_source/sliverPayloads/ --os linux

!! Watershell Commands

┌──(root㉿dragon)-[~/UnnamedSecurityContest/Beachhead_source/watershell-tcp] └─# python3 watershell-cli.py -t -p 1337 -c id Connecting to Watershell on ('', 1337)... Connected! uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

!! PHP UDP Commands
* start a net cat listener
* ```
└─# nc -u IP 10000 OR 32746
port 9001
IP: Port: 9001