
This is a final project of the "Databases" course at my university. Authors: Me (@YuraRov) and Mykhailo Pavliuk (@mikepavliuk).

Computer Appliance Store (an information system)


During the 4th semester at the university I had a subject called "Databases". At the end of this course my group was given a task to create our own information system (database) on a given topic. Most groups consisted of two people, mine wasn't an exception. I've decided to work on this project with Mykhailo Pavliuk, because he is a smart, sharp-witted and reliable person. As a consequence, we made it. I am really thankful to him and want to continue working on some other interesting projects. Thank you, my friend ;)

What we had to do

  1. Develop an information system on a given topic. Requirements:
  • The database must include at least five tables;
  • determine the functional requirements for the database;
  • build an ER diagram;
  • organize connections between entities and display their type in the diagram;
  • create a relational logical database model;
  • normalize the logical relational model;
  • select the Database Management System (specify the name of your choice) and create a database;
  • fill the database with records.
  1. Create queries (at least 40) that include aggregate functions, columns renaming, data grouping, tables merging, data updating and deleting.
  2. The results of the work should be presented in the form of a report.

Usage and contributing

The ER-diagram is available here. In fact, this repo should be read-only, but pull requests are welcome. For major changes or occurring problems, please open an issue first to discuss what problems or suggestions you have.


All occurring problems were sorted out together with Mykhailo and with the small help of our supervisor.