
Primary LanguagePython


(Please check the original paper code in https://github.com/hychen-naza/SSA-RL, this repo is a modified version for course project)

Table of Contents


We provide code for evaluate the safety and sample-efficiency of our proposed RL framework.

For safety, we use Safe Set Algorithm (SSA).
For efficiency, there are more strategies you can choose:
1, Adapting SSA;
2, Exploration (PSN, RND, None);
3, Learning from SSA;

The safety and efficiency results of all models are shown below safety_result efficiency_result

We also provide visual tools. visulization


conda create -n safe-rl
conda install python=3.7.9
pip install tensorflow
pip install keras
pip install matplotlib
pip install gym
pip install cvxopt


conda create -n safe-rl python=3.7.9 -y
conda activate safe-rl
pip install -r requirements.txt


# Train regular RL
python train.py --display {none, turtle} --explore {none, psn, rnd} --no-qp --mode rl
python train.py --display {none, turtle} --explore {none, psn, rnd} --qp --mode rl

# Train RL with safe controller
python train.py --display {none, turtle} --explore {none, psn, rnd} --no-qp --mode safe

# Human Intervention Training (First time)
python train.py --display turtle --explore none --no-qp --mode human

# Human Intervention Training (From Second time, Load buffer / If you want to continue your training) 
python train.py --display turtle --explore none --no-qp --mode human --isHumanBuffer True

# Run RL with human buffer
python train.py --display turtle --explore none --no-qp --mode rl --isHumanBuffer True
  • --display can be either none or turtle (visulization).
  • --explore specifies the exploration strategy that the robot uses.
  • --no-qp means that we use vanilla SSA.
  • --qp means that we use adapted SSA.
  • --mode means that we use which approach: rl/safe/human
  • --isHumanBuffer means that use saved human buffer or not.