
Implementation of Deep Reinforcement Learning Benchmark Algorithms, including DQN, Double DQN, Dueling DQN, Reinforce, Actor-Critic, A2C, A3C, etc.

Primary LanguagePython


An RL Benchmark. Easy to use, experiment, visualize, compare results, and extend.

Supported Algorithms

  • Model-free

    • Value-based
      • DQN (2013)
      • Double DQN (2015)
      • Dueling DQN (2015)
    • Policy-based
      • Reinforce (1992)
      • Actor-Critic (2000)
      • TRPO (2015)
      • DDPG (2015)
      • A2C (2016)
      • A3C (2016)
      • ACKTR (2017)
      • PPO (2017)
      • SAC (2018)
      • TD3 (2018)
  • Model-based


Use python run.py -h to see the available parameters and get help.

To run a demo, simply run python run.py.

Benchmark Results



Implementation Details and Tricks


  1. Replay buffer: use deque.
  2. Target network: hard update (load state dict each N iterations).
  3. Only one hidden layer.
  4. DQN's update utilizes gather in pytorch.
  5. Data type: torch.float and np.float.
  6. Fixed epsilon.
  7. Target update=100 is worse than Target update=10.


Namespace(batch_size=64, benchmark='DQN', device='cuda:0', env='CartPole-v1', epoch=500, epsilon=0.01, gamma=0.95, hidden=128, lr=0.002, max_capacity=1000, plot=True, save=True, seed=0, target_update=10)

Double DQN

  1. Just change the way we computer Q target: $$r + Q_{target}(s, a_{target}) -> r + Q_{target}(s, a_{origin})$$


Namespace(batch_size=64, benchmark='DoubleDQN', device='cuda:0', env='CartPole-v1', epoch=500, epsilon=0.01, gamma=0.95, hidden=128, lr=0.001, max_capacity=1000, plot=True, save=True, seed=0, target_update=10)

Dueling DQN

  1. Change the network (add advantage function layer and value function layer).


Namespace(batch_size=64, benchmark='DuelingDQN', device='cuda:0', env='CartPole-v1', epoch=500, epsilon=0.01, gamma=0.95, hidden=128, lr=0.001, max_capacity=1000, plot=True, save=True, seed=0, target_update=10)


  1. Use action_dist = torch.distributions.Categorical(probs) to take action.


Namespace(batch_size=64, benchmark='Reinforce', device='cuda:0', env='CartPole-v1', epoch=1000, epsilon=0.01, gamma=0.98, hidden=128, lr=0.001, max_capacity=1000, plot=True, save=True, seed=0, target_update=10)


  1. Use TD error as the factor of the objective in policy gradient.
  2. Use detach() to cut off the back propagation. (very important!)
  3. Two-timescale update. 1e-3 for the actor, 1e-2 for the critic. (effect the performance very much)


Namespace(actor_lr=0.001, batch_size=64, benchmark='ActorCritic', critic_lr=0.01, device='cuda:0', env='CartPole-v1', epoch=1000, epsilon=0.01, gamma=0.99, hidden=128, lr=0.001, max_capacity=1000, plot=True, save=True, seed=0, target_update=10)


  1. 动手学强化学习