
This repository provides a practical introduction to data acquisition and analysis using Pandas. It covers loading datasets, exploring data, manipulating data, and gaining insights through statistical summaries. Ideal for beginners, it offers code examples and explanations to enhance your data manipulation skills using Pandas for Python.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



Data Analysis with Python Labs

This repository contains a collection of data analysis projects implemented in Python. Each project uses Python libraries and techniques to extract insights and make data-driven decisions.

Labs List

Lab 1 Introduction


  • Acquire data in various ways
  • Obtain insights from data with Pandas library

Libraries/Frameworks used: Pandas, NumPy

Key techniques employed:

  • Data Acquisition
  • Basic Insight into the Dataset

Lab 2 Data Wrangling


  • Handle missing values
  • Correct data format
  • Standardize and normalize data

Table of Contents:-

  • Identify and handle missing values
  • Identify missing values
  • Deal with missing values
  • Correct data format
  • Data standardization
  • Data normalization (centering/scaling)
  • Binning
  • Indicator variable

Lab 3 Exploratory Data Analysis

Objectives:- Explore features or characteristics to predict the price of the car

Table of Contents:-

  • Import Data from Module
  • Analyzing Individual Feature Patterns Using Visualization
  • Descriptive Statistical Analysis
  • Basics of Grouping
  • Correlation and Causation

Lab 4 Model Development

Objectives:- After completing this lab you will be able to:

Table of Contents:-

  • Develop Prediction Models

How to Use Clone the repository:- git clone https://github.com/Yash22222/data-analysis-with-python.git

Install the required dependencies:

''' pip install -r requirements.txt '''

Navigate to the desired project folder: cd project-folder-name

Run the project: python main.py
