
STM32 mini project: Embedded firmware for a basic music player with playback control, track selection, and volume adjustment via buttons/rotary encoder.

Primary LanguageC

Music Player Mini Project

For more information on the Dictionary Library used in this project, please refer to the Dictionary Library Wiki Page.

Important Notes:

  • Do not write any code in a while loop in the main function.
  • UART reception must be initialized using interrupts.
  • Drive the 7-segment display using an IC.


The aim of this mini project is to design and implement a music player. The necessary hardware includes external buttons, Volume, a 7-segment display, a buzzer.

Upon starting the program, the music player is in pause mode. In this mode, the 7-segment display doesn't show any number, and no sound or music is played from the buzzer.

  • Pressing the first external button turns on the music player, the 7-segment display shows the number of the currently playing music, and music starts playing from the buzzer.
  • If the first external button is pressed again, the music player and the 7-segment display turn off, and no music will play.
  • Holding the second external button allows you to change the currently playing music by slowly rotating the volume control.
    • Note that there should be at least 4 music tracks in your playlist.
    • Additionally, after finishing each track, the next track in the playlist should be played, and once the playlist ends, playback should start from the beginning.
    • Each track played should be accompanied by its corresponding number displayed on the 7-segment display.
  • Furthermore, it's necessary to normalize the ADC values received with Volume and eliminate any noise.
  • Releasing the second external button confirms the selected music number, and the music starts playing.
  • Again, the 7-segment display shows the music number.
  • Holding the third external button shows the volume level of the currently playing music.
    • The volume ranges from 0 to 100, where 0 indicates no sound (essentially mute) and 100 represents the maximum volume.
  • Releasing the third external button confirms the volume, and the 7-segment display again shows the music number.

UART Command List:

  • Change Music Number:

    • Command: MUSIC_SET(Number)
      • Replace "Number" with the desired music number.
      • If the entered number is not in the playlist or is invalid, display a warning message.
      • If the input value is correct, display a confirmation message.
  • Change Music Volume:

    • Command: Change_Volume(Volume)
      • Replace "Volume" with the desired volume level between 0 and 100.
      • If the input value is out of range or invalid, display an error message.
      • If the volume value is valid, adjust the buzzer volume accordingly and display a confirmation message.
  • Set Pause Time:

    • Command: Pause_After(seconds)
      • Replace "seconds" with the desired pause time in seconds.
      • If "seconds" is not a valid number, display an error message.
      • If the pause time is valid, display a confirmation message.
  • Change Play Mode:

    • Command: Play_Mode(SHUFFLE) or Play_Mode(ORDERED)
      • Replace "SHUFFLE" or "ORDERED" with the desired play mode.
      • If the mode is correct, display a confirmation message.
      • If the mode is invalid, display an error message.