
Cycle-switch-mode during setup procedure

ted-miller opened this issue · 8 comments

Re: #201 (reply in thread)

Need to add this to setup procedure. Perhaps we can also detect this in real time via CIO.

(I vaguely recall this being an issue in the past. But I can't find anything about it in the repos.)

Looks like we can detect with these:


@ted-miller: did we forget to add something to the setup documentation about this?

It looks like I added to the motoros1 wiki, but didn't do it here.

It just occurred to me that there is an API for mpSetCycle.

@yai-rosejo @gavanderhoorn

I vote that instead of documenting the step of setting cycle, we should automate it. Right after we enable servos, we can set cycle and then start the INIT_ROS job.


Hm. Changing 'global' controller configuration for a single application in an automagic way?

Not sure.

It's not global. It's instantaneous.

When the user switches the key-switch, the robot's "saved" configuration is restored.

(At least I think that's true. Need to verify.)

If that's true (ie: it reverts) automating it seems like it would improve UX.

related btw: I've never had my YRC1 configured with continuous and never really ran into any issues. Was I just lucky?

The default value is cycle, which will run one cycle of the job.

For the normal use-case this should work. Normally, the job should only 'finish' if traj_mode is stopped. In that case, you'd have to re-enable the job from the start.

So really, I now think that #212 may be too restrictive. (I've just now started getting these errors for the first time.) It should allow auto or cycle. But, this point is moot if we automate it.