
Bioconductor deprecation warning!

janstrauss1 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello @davidsebfischer, @ftheis, @niryosef et al.,

I've used impulseDE2 previously and happily recommended it to colleagues!

Unfortunately, I have just been made aware of the fact that the package appears to be deprecated and it probably will be removed from Bioconductor as stated at https://doi.org/doi:10.18129/B9.bioc.ImpulseDE2.

Can any action be taken to un-deprecate impulseDE2 and remove it from the package end of life process before the next Bioconductor release?

It would be sad to see the package go defunct and removed from Bioconductor.

I guess it's officially deprecated, unfortunately I'm unable to use it on R >4.0