This repository contains all the scripts (in the tools
subdirectory) and data (when size permits) used for analyzing constraint in the Drosophila yakuba clade based on PacBio genomes of D. santomea, D. teissieri, and D. yakuba.
Dependencies common aross all segments:
- FASTX-Toolkit is used implicitly in a lot of these pipelines, in particular the
tool. - Awk (GNU awk is preferred, haven't tested with POSIX awk)
- Perl (used 5.26.2, should generally be compatible with 5.12+)
- GNU CoreUtils (primarily
, but also some others) - GNU Make (used 4.2.1)
PacBio genomes:
We generated 4 reference-quality genome assemblies:
- D. santomea STO CAGO 1482 (PacBio data from after 14 generations of inbreeding)
- D. teissieri GT53w (PacBio data from after 14 generations of inbreeding)
- D. yakuba NY73PB (NY73PB most closely resembles NY73 from Rogers et al. (2014) MBE, but has uncertain provenance)
- D. yakuba Tai18E2 (Drosophila Species Stock Center #14021.0261-01)
Each line had over 70x of subreads, mostly generated from P6-C4 chemistry on a PacBio RS II at the UC-Irvine GHTF core (D. teissieri has some P5-C3 data).
Draft assemblies were generated using FALCON v0.7.0 and Canu 1.3, then these assemblies were merged with quickmerge using the FALCON assembly as reference, and further scaffolding, gap-filling, and repeat resolution was performed using FinisherSC (Using the Imoteph fork). Assemblies were polished with Quiver, and then with Pilon. As the D. teissieri assembly was the most fragmented, in collaboration with Russ Corbett-Detig's group, we generated Hi-C data for D. teissieri GT53w (~100x) and D. yakuba NY73PB (~10x).
Initially, we mapped these Hi-C reads using the Arima Genomics Hi-C mapping pipeline, and scaffolded the genome using SALSA2. However, several lines of evidence suggested SALSA produced several misjoins, the most major being joins across all chromosome arms out of order and orientation. Thus, we performed misassembly detection and scaffolding into chromosome arms as follows:
Polished contig assemblies were aligned to the D. melanogaster ISO1 reference (FlyBase release 6.26), as well as the D. yakuba Tai18E2 reference (FlyBase release 1.05) to further determine joins necessary for chromosome-arm-length scaffolds by synteny, taking into account known inversions between species.
Further misassembly detection and correction was performed based on cytological banding patterns projected from D. melanogaster to contigs based on single-copy orthogroups assigned based on draft annotations. These cytological banding patterns were confirmed for D. teissieri GT53w and D. yakuba NY73PB based on Hi-C data via contact maps using HiCExplorer.
Contigs were joined using manualScaffold.pl
with 100 bp gaps (per NCBI requirements) based on AGPs found under the contigs
subdirectory of refs
Assemblies at this point were passed through final contamination and alternative haplotype filters, then submitted to NCBI and can be found under the following accessions:
Assembly | Accession |
Dsan STO CAGO 1482 | JAECZZ010000000 |
Dsim w501 | NGVV01000000 |
Dtei GT53w | JAEDAA010000000 |
Dyak NY73PB | JAEDAB010000000 |
Dyak Tai18E2 | JAEDAC010000000 |
The contamination filter was to run kraken2 on the assemblies using a custom database derived from the Standard database, but then adding the RefSeq Dmel and Dyak assemblies. Any scaffolds identified in the output report as non-Drosophila were omitted from the NCBI submission.
The final alternative haplotype filter involved identifying scaffolds with substantial overlap in BUSCO mappings, a procedure similar in spirit to Dr. Sarah Kingan's HomolContigsByAnnotation.
Terence Murphy at NCBI notified us that the Dtei assembly (and to a lesser extent the Dsan assembly) had a fairly large number of frameshift errors. Upon manual curation of examples based on Exonerate alignments of D. melanogaster proteins (FlyBase release 6.27), I identified a consistent misassembly pattern not recognized by Quiver or Pilon -- A true heterozygous SNP is incorrectly introduced as a heterozygous indel due to one allele being the same base as one flanking base. The standard left-alignment procedures for normalizing indel representations end up misaligning such a situation in a systematic manner, and both GATK's local de novo assembly approach and FreeBayes' vcfallelicprimitives incorrectly parse this situation. However, FreeBayes' multiallelic haplotype calls correctly identify the true sequence (and variation). Thus we applied a single round of FreeBayes-based polishing by applying one haplotype at random at any positions lacking a reference allele in their genotype.
Revised assemblies were submitted to NCBI and will soon be accessible under the following accessions:
Assembly | Accession |
Dsan STO CAGO 1482 | JAECZZ020000000 |
Dsim w501 | NGVV02000000 |
Dtei GT53w | JAEDAA020000000 |
Dyak NY73PB | JAEDAB020000000 |
Dyak Tai18E2 | JAEDAC020000000 |
Assembly metrics before and after this polishing step can be seen in this Google Sheet: DyakCladeGenomes Misassembly Fix Metrics
We generated CDS annotations for the final chromosome-arm-scale genomes using BRAKER2 (version 2.1.4, commit 50e76af), using species-specific RNAseq data mapped using STAR 2.5.4b in two-pass mode, as well as the full proteome of D. melanogaster (FlyBase release 6.26, excluding proteins containing U or X).
Work is ongoing to refine transcript models using StringTie, and potentially more models and UTRs based on transcripts assembled using Trinity. We may also be testing out the Comparative Annotation Toolkit in Augustus-TM(R) and Augustus-CGP modes.
Current data freeze availability:
The current assembly and annotation freeze (2021/04/23) is available (please be courteous about our publication intent) on request from Peter Andolfatto.
Pseudoreferences of the population samples may be linked from here in the future (please e-mail for more details).
Assembly contiguity assessments:
Assembly contiguity statistics are produced in tabular (TSV) form in the ctg_lengths
subdirectory using the command:
make -f asm_summaries.mk all
The results table is called DyakClade_asm_summary_stats.tsv
, although this name can be adjusted by editing the SUMMARYFILE
variable near the top of the asm_summaries.mk
The contig length plot input can be generated using the command:
make -f ctg_lengths.mk all
BUSCO completeness assessments:
The assemblies and annotations (coding transcriptome and proteome) are assessed for completeness using assembly_BUSCO.mk
in the BUSCO subdirectory. This Makefile depends on BUSCO v3.0.2 being installed and the run_BUSCO.py
and generate_plot.py
scripts being accessible via your PATH. This is most easily arranged using a module. Generating the proteomes for BUSCO assessment also requires EMBOSS transeq.
All assemblies are assessed against the narrowest BUSCO lineage containing Drosophila: Diptera. For the manuscript, we used NCBI-BLAST 2.2.31+, HMMER 3.1b2, and Augustus 3.3.2 (commit 8b1b14a7489e4545e89c8725dc33268f6c2a9117), with R 3.5.1 and EMBOSS transeq
Command used:
module load BUSCO/3.0.2
make -j5 -f assembly_BUSCO.mk genome_plot
make -j5 -f assembly_BUSCO.mk transcriptome_plot
#make -j5 -f assembly_BUSCO.mk proteome_plot
Note that I didn't use the default BUSCO_figure.R
code to generate the final BUSCO plot. A separate R script derived from the skeleton of that code is run, except this code doesn't have the BUSCO results hard-coded and has a few other tweaks for better visualization.
#Note: The plot for genome_plot had to be remade (so generate_plot.py was rerun) due to slight modifications made to the output R script:
#Within the annotate()
call, I adjusted y=3
to y=99
and hjust=1
to hjust=0
. This made the BUSCO summary text right-justified within each bar, instead of the default left-justified.
Assembly correctness and kmer completeness:
I haven't completed the Makefile for this section of the analysis, as GNU Make has an issue of expansion order when it comes to wildcards vs. pattern rules, so there isn't an easy way to set up the dependencies so that multiple Illumina libraries can correspond to a single assembly.
However, the general ideas are present in the Makefile (Merqury.mk). Essentially, meryl databases are generated from each set of Illumina reads, merged together, assemblies have kmers counted with meryl, and then various set operations are done between the databases to collect statistics about "reliable" kmers, assembly-only kmers, read-only kmers, and total kmers. The calculations for kmer completeness and assembly QV estimate are based on the equations in the Merqury paper (Rhie et al. (2020) Genome Biology). However, rather than use the merqury.sh script from the Merqury repository (due to file naming collisions), I've extracted the necessary operations for QV and kmer completeness calculations into the Makefile and two companion awk scripts in the tools directory: merquryQV.awk
and merquryCompleteness.awk
Command templates for the steps of the process:
#For each read file:
meryl k=19 memory=64 threads=16 count output DBs/perFASTQ/[prefix for FASTQ file].meryl [path to FASTQ file]
#For each assembly:
meryl k=19 memory=64 threads=16 union-sum output DBs/reads/[prefix for assembly].meryl DBs/perFASTQ/[prefix for assembly]*.meryl
meryl k=19 memory=64 threads=16 count output DBs/asm/[prefix for assembly].meryl ../refs/[prefix for assembly].fasta
#QV calculations:
meryl difference output DBs/asm/[prefix for assembly].0.meryl DBs/asm/[prefix for assembly].meryl DBs/reads/[prefix for assembly].meryl
../tools/merquryQV.awk -v "k=19" -v "asm=[prefix for assembly]" <(meryl statistics DBs/asm/[prefix for assembly].0.meryl) <(meryl statistics DBs/asm/[prefix for assembly].meryl) >> QVs.tsv
#kmer completeness calculations:
meryl histogram DBs/reads/[prefix for assembly].meryl > DBs/reads/[prefix for assembly].hist
java -Xmx1g -jar ${MERQURY}/eval/kmerHistToPloidyDepth.jar DBs/reads/[prefix for assembly].hist > DBs/reads/[prefix for assembly].hist.ploidy
threshold=$(awk 'NR==2{print $NF;}' DBs/reads/[prefix for assembly].hist.ploidy)
meryl greater-than ${threshold} output DBs/reads/[prefix for assembly].reliable.meryl DBs/reads/[prefix for assembly].meryl
meryl intersect output DBs/asm/[prefix for assembly].solid.meryl DBs/asm/[prefix for assembly].meryl DBs/reads/[prefix for assembly].reliable.meryl
../tools/merquryCompleteness.awk -v "asm=[prefix for assembly]" <(meryl statistics DBs/asm/[prefix for assembly].solid.meryl) <(meryl statistics DBs/reads/[prefix for assembly].reliable.meryl) >> completeness.tsv
Population Genetic Data:
Population samples used here include:
D. santomea:
- 34 "G1" females (first-generation progeny of wild-caught individuals) (Illumina PE150)
- 16 "Synthetic Diploid" females (progeny of an outbreeding cross of two isofemale lines) (Illumina PE215)
D. simulans:
- 11 "Synthetic Diploid" females (Illumina PE150) prepared and sequenced by Ana Pinharanda
- 21 (18 after redundancy filtering) females from isofemale lines (treated as haploid -- one allele is chosen at random for any heterozygous sites) collected by Peter Andolfatto and sequenced by Rebekah Rogers and Kevin Thornton (Illumina PE50, PE75, PE100, from Rogers et al. (2014) MBE)
D. teissieri:
- 8 "Synthetic Diploid" females (Illumina PE215)
- 5 further "Synthetic Diploid" females (Illumina PE150)
D. yakuba:
- 8 "Synthetic Diploid" females from lines collected on Sao Tome (Illumina PE215)
- 10 "Synthetic Diploid" females from lines collected in mainland Africa (Illumina PE150)
- 21 (4 after redundancy filtering) females from isofemale lines (treated as haploid -- one allele is chosen at random for any heterozygous sites) (Illumina PE50, PE75, PE100, from Rogers et al. (2014) MBE)
- 12 further "Synthetic Diploid" females from lines collected in mainland Africa (Illumina PE150) (some overlapping with the 21 isofemale lines)
- 6 (3 after redundancy filtering) females from isofemale lines (treated as haploid -- one allele is chosen at random for any heterozygous sites) (Illumina PE150)
After filtering for inversion state in Dmel and line overlap in Dsim and Dyak, we ended up with haploid sample sizes of 82 for D. melanogaster, 40 for D. simulans, 100 for D. santomea, 26 for D. teissieri, and 67 for D. yakuba, totalling 315 (excluding the 6 references).
Variant calls were generated and filtered using the Pseudoreference Pipeline, in particular mapping with BWA-MEM 0.7.17-r1188, marking duplicates with Picard MarkDuplicates commit 1ccb775, realigning around indels with GATK IndelRealigner 3.4-46-gbc02625, calling variants with BCFtools 1.7-1-ge07034a (htslib 1.7-23-g9f9631d), and masking sites for which the following compound criterion held true:
DP <= [half of post-markdup depth] || MQ <= 20.0 || QUAL <= 26.0
Indels were excluded from analysis and generation of pseudoreferences.
Determination of Single-copy Orthogroups:
- OrthoFinder 2.3.8 (installed via bioconda)
- Diamond 0.9.29 (installed as a dependency of OrthoFinder 2.3.8)
- IQ-Tree 1.5.5 (installed as a dependency of OrthoFinder 2.3.8)
- Clustal Omega 1.2.4
Using the PacBio genomes and annotations, we established orthogroups (and an estimate of the species tree) using OrthoFinder, using Diamond for all-vs-all comparisons, constructing orthogroup trees by aligning with Clustal Omega, and inferring trees with IQ-Tree. The config.json
of OrthoFinder needed to be modified to support Clustal Omega.
Only the longest CDS for each gene was extracted and translated for input into OrthoFinder for each line. Length ties were broken by lexicographical order of the transcript ID to ensure consistency between runs.
Single-copy orthogroups were established simply by extracting only those orthogroups with a single member transcript from each input proteome.
All of this is achieved by running the following commands while in the OrthoFinder_clustalo
#Using /usr/bin/time -v to get runtime and memory stats, and redirecting
# STDERR and STDOUT to avoid terminal spam
#Prep everything for OrthoFinder:
#Took 55.56 seconds
/usr/bin/time -v make -j6 -f prep_proteomes.mk proteome 2> prep_proteomes_proteome_j6.stderr > prep_proteomes_proteome_j6.stdout
#Run OrthoFinder:
#Installed into its own conda environment
#For reference, it took about 6 minutes to run Diamond and generate Orthogroups.tsv
#However, it took about 17 hours to completely finish (i.e. all gene
# tree inference and the final species tree inference with STRIDE)
#In principle, you only need to wait for Orthogroups.tsv to be made to
# continue with the rest of this analysis.
#Took 32h 18m 7s, 330% CPU, 8,513,812 KB Max RSS
#Spent ?h ?m ?s on ModelFinder testing 546 models on the concatenated
# SpeciesTree alignment -- this is the rate-limiting step
source activate OrthoFinderenv
/usr/bin/time -v orthofinder -t 36 -a 1 -M msa -S diamond -A clustalo -T iqtree -f OrthoFinder_proteomes 2> logs/orthofinder_diamond_clustalo_IQTree_MSSTYY_t36.stderr > logs/orthofinder_diamond_clustalo_IQTree_MSSTYY_t36.stdout
#Remap the Orthogroups.tsv file:
/usr/bin/time -v make -f prep_proteomes.mk SCOmap 2> logs/prep_proteomes_SCOmap.stderr > logs/prep_proteomes_SCOmap.stdout
#Do a final check of SCO count per OrthoFinder, per awk, and the overlap of the two:
#The three numbers in the second column of the SCOcheck file should all match
/usr/bin/time -v make -f prep_proteomes.mk SCOcheck 2> logs/prep_proteomes_SCOcheck.stderr > logs/prep_proteomes_SCOcheck.stdout
CDS alignments:
- PRANK v.170427
The longest CDS for each gene per species was extracted, and these were parsed into FASTAs by orthogroup -- only single-copy orthogroups were preserved. These CDSes were then trimmed for stop codons, and aligned with PRANK. These same CDSes were extracted and parsed from the pseudoreferences, where any diploid samples had their sequences randomly split into two haplotypes, and were trimmed for stop codons. Gaps were inserted into these pseudoreference sequences based on the gaps inserted by PRANK into their corresponding species reference CDS, generating an alignment of all the references and their corresponding pseudoreferences. Since the pseudoreferences only updated SNPs, it was unnecessary (and computationally inefficient) to include them in the PRANK alignment. Due to the way the stop codon trimming worked, we had to further square-off the alignment after adding the pseudoreferences, as some pseudoreferences would have the stop codon masked (hence not being recognized by the trimming script).
All of this is achieved by running the following commands while in the CDS
#Using /usr/bin/time -v to get runtime and memory stats, and redirecting
# STDERR and STDOUT to avoid terminal spam
#-j16 is to parallelize across 16 threads (only 5 references to deal with)
#This parses out the reference CDSes:
#Took 1m 7.08s, 113% CPU, 152,080 KB Max RSS
/usr/bin/time -v make -j16 -f align_CDSes.mk parse_ref_CDSes 2> parse_ref_CDSes_j16.stderr > parse_ref_CDSes_j16.stdout
#-j36 is to parallelize across 36 threads (server had 40, there are 197 pseudorefs)
#This parses out the pseudoref CDSes:
#Took 5m 11.12s, 2270% CPU, 148,948 KB Max RSS
/usr/bin/time -v make -j36 -f align_CDSes.mk parse_sample_CDSes 2> parse_sample_CDSes_j36.stderr > parse_sample_CDSes_j36.stdout
#Again with -j36, but now we have >9k alignments to run
#This aligns all the 9,375 reference orthogroups (slowest part), and
# adds in the pseudoref haplotypes after (fast):
#Took 5h 51m 51s, 3129% CPU, 531,512 KB Max RSS
/usr/bin/time -v make -j36 -f align_CDSes.mk align_all 2> align_all_j36.stderr > align_all_j36.stdout
These alignments were further filtered downstream for missing data.
Intron alignments:
- Clustal Omega 1.2.4
All introns corresponding to transcripts in the single-copy orthogroup file were extracted from each reference. During extraction, the header of a given intron also contains information about the length of the intron, and the lengths of its flanking exons. We use a threshold of a maximum 20% relative difference between flanking exon lengths to establish that two introns are homologous (along with belonging to members of the same orthogroup). We then only keep intron groups with a single matching orthologous intron for each species. The reference sequences of these orthologous intron groups are parsed into intron-specific FASTAs, and aligned with Clustal Omega. As with the CDSes, after adjusting the intron map to only include species ID and not line ID, we extract and parse pseudoreference introns (again, splitting into pseudohaplotypes randomly), we add gaps according to species based on the reference intron alignments.
All of this is achieved by running the following commands while in the introns
#Using /usr/bin/time -v to get runtime and memory stats, and redirecting
# STDERR and STDOUT to avoid terminal spam
#-j16 is to parallelize across 16 threads (only 5 references to deal with)
#This parses out the reference CDSes:
#Took 2m 36.35s, 109% CPU, 148,848 KB Max RSS
/usr/bin/time -v make -j16 -f align_introns.mk parse_ref_introns 2> parse_ref_introns_j16.stderr > parse_ref_introns_j16.stdout
#-j36 is to parallelize across 36 threads (server had 40, there are 197 pseudorefs)
#This parses out the pseudoref introns:
#Took 8m 56.47s, 1260% CPU, 148,252 KB Max RSS
/usr/bin/time -v make -j36 -f align_introns.mk parse_sample_introns 2> parse_sample_introns_j36.stderr > parse_sample_introns_j36.stdout
#Again with -j36, but now we have 18,444 alignments to run
#This aligns all the orthologous intron groups (slowest part), and
# adds in the pseudoref haplotypes after (fast):
#Took 2h 38m 24s, 3663% CPU, 56,230,532 KB Max RSS
/usr/bin/time -v make -j36 -f align_introns.mk align_all 2> align_all_j36.stderr > align_all_j36.stdout
These alignments were further filtered downstream for missing data.
Synteny dotplots
- MUMmer (You could use MUMmer 3.23 if you want, without any issues.)
- GNUplot (MUMmer depends on this for mummerplot functionality)
Genome size estimation
from John Davey's scripts from Davey et al. (2016) G3, with some modifications to catch divide-by-zero exceptions- BEDtools (used v2.27.1-1-gb87c4653)
- Pseudoreference Pipeline
HKA-style co-plotting of polymorphism and divergence per species:
The HKA directory contains the per-orthogroup estimates of polymorphism and divergence (divergence calculated as Dxy relative to Dmel for the Dyak clade or Dtei for Dmel and Dsim. The ratio of these two values is a proxy for the HKA test in that comparing pi/Dxy between loci is the core of the HKA test. Rather than composing this section as a bunch of HKA tests, we can instead look at the genome-wide distribution of pi and Dxy to find regions deviating from the rest of the genome. Kevin filtered the CDS alignments and calculated per-orthogroup pi and Dxy using a modified version of Polymorphorama, and in this directory I take his results and calculate windowed averages, bootstrap these windows, and calculate 95% bootstrap confidence intervals. By using Dmel as the outgroup for the Dyak clade and Dtei as the outgroup for Dmel and Dsim, we get some degree of symmetry/similarity in the magnitude of divergence between the groups, so co-plotting the genome-wide distributions is reasonable.
Bootstrapping is done by sampling orthogroups within a window with replacement -- this relies on reciprocal maps of window-to-orthogroups and orthogroup-to-windows in order to make each bootstrap a simple piped command.
#This process took about 55 minutes and 11 GB RAM using 32 threads:
/usr/bin/time -v make -f calculate_SCO_pi_dxy.mk -j32 all 2> calculate_SCO_pi_dxy_j32.stderr > calculate_SCO_pi_dxy_j32.stdout
Assembly pre-processing/QC notes and commands
I'm placing some commands here for the assembly pre-processing steps, as pipelining them with GNU Make would end up taking an unnecessary amount of time for the return on investment.
kraken2 contamination filtering for NCBI submission:
pushd refs/Misassembly_fixes/
parallel -j4 --eta '../../tools/krakenPurgeContigs.awk kraken2_standardPlusDmelDyakNCBI_{1}_t20.stdout > {1}_kraken2_purged_scafs.tsv' ::: Dsan_STOCAGO1482 Dtei_GT53w Dyak_NY73PB Dyak_Tai18E2
Alternative haplotype identification for NCBI submission:
parallel -j4 --eta 'samtools faidx {1}_fixed_softmasked_w60.fasta; ../../tools/scoreBUSCOhaplotigs.awk {1}_fixed_softmasked_w60.fasta.fai run_{1}_fixed_BUSCOv3_genome_diptera_odb9/full_table_{1}_fixed_BUSCOv3_genome_diptera_odb9.tsv 2> {1}_BUSCO_locations.tcsv > {1}_BUSCO_scaffold_dup_rates.tsv; ../../tools/selectBUSCOhaplotigs.awk -v "debug=1" {1}_BUSCO_scaffold_dup_rates.tsv | tee {1}_BUSCO_purged_scaf_reasons.tsv | cut -f1 | sort | uniq > {1}_BUSCO_purged_scafs.tsv' ::: Dsan_STOCAGO1482 Dtei_GT53w Dyak_NY73PB Dyak_Tai18E2
Combining the above to filters and purging these scaffolds from the assemblies:
parallel -j4 --eta 'cat {1}_kraken2_purged_scafs.tsv {1}_BUSCO_purged_scafs.tsv > {1}_joint_purged_scafs.tsv' ::: Dsan_STOCAGO1482 Dtei_GT53w Dyak_NY73PB Dyak_Tai18E2
parallel -j4 --eta '../../tools/filterOutContigs.awk -v "inputtype=FASTA" {1}_joint_purged_scafs.tsv {1}_fixed_softmasked_w60.fasta > {1}_fixed_softmasked_purged_w60.fasta' ::: Dsan_STOCAGO1482 Dtei_GT53w Dyak_NY73PB Dyak_Tai18E2