
Wappers for UltraPse in R

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

UltraPseR: Wappers for UltraPse in R

An R package for biological sequence representations

Install development vertion

!!!NOTE: We have tested these codes on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS. There is no guarantee that these codes can be compiled and executed on other platforms without modifications.(Currently cannot be installed in the Win) Now, UltraPseR support all platforms.

The development version from github:

if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly=TRUE))

Quick Example

Calculated Component

tiny_sequences <- system.file("extdata", "tiny.fas", package = "UltraPseR")
x <- UltraPseR::UpseR(input = tiny_sequences, module = "comp", note = "stdprot") 
## Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'ggalt':
##   method                  from   
##   grid.draw.absoluteGrob  ggplot2
##   grobHeight.absoluteGrob ggplot2
##   grobWidth.absoluteGrob  ggplot2
##   grobX.absoluteGrob      ggplot2
##   grobY.absoluteGrob      ggplot2
##    043L_IIV6|0 094L_IIV6|0
## 1        0.000       1.695
## 2        4.310       3.390
## 3        7.759       3.390
## 4        7.759       5.085
## 5        5.172       3.390
## 6        3.448       3.390
## 7        0.000       2.542
## 8       14.655      11.864
## 9       12.931      11.017
## 10      10.345       9.322
## 11       2.586       4.237
## 12      13.793      14.407
## 13       1.724       0.847
## 14       1.724       2.542
## 15       0.862       1.695
## 16       2.586       7.627
## 17       2.586       5.932
## 18       3.448       2.542
## 19       0.862       0.000
## 20       3.448       5.085


tiny_sequences <- system.file("extdata", "tiny.fas", package = "UltraPseR")
pro <- UltraPseR::UpseR(input = tiny_sequences, note = "stdprot", module = "pse", property = "ZIMJ680105", w = 0.05, l = 10, t = 2)
p <- UltraPseR::plot_upse(pro)


DNA_sequences <- system.file("extdata", "tiny-dna.fas", package = "UltraPseR")
dna_res <-UltraPseR::UpseR(input = DNA_sequences, note = "didna", module = "pse", property = "DD0033", w = 0.05, l = 3, t = 1)
p1 <- UltraPseR::plot_upse(dna_res)

Explore proprety

UltraPseR::available_prop(note = "didna")
## DD0001   Base stacking
## DD0002   Protein induced deformability
## DD0003   B-DNA twist
## DD0004   Dinucleotide GC Content
## DD0005   A-philicity
## DD0006   Propeller twist
## DD0007   Duplex stability (freeenergy)
## DD0008   Duplex stability (disruptenergy)
## DD0009   DNA denaturation
## DD0010   Bending stiffness
## DD0011   Protein DNA twist
## DD0012   Stabilising energy of Z-DNA
## DD0013   Aida_BA_transition
## DD0014   Breslauer_dG
## DD0015   Breslauer_dH
## DD0016   Breslauer_dS
## DD0017   Electron_interaction
## DD0018   Hartman_trans_free_energy
## DD0019   Helix-Coil_transition
## DD0020   Ivanov_BA_transition
## DD0021   Lisser_BZ_transition
## DD0022   Polar_interaction
## DD0023   SantaLucia_dG
## DD0024   SantaLucia_dH
## DD0025   SantaLucia_dS
## DD0026   Sarai_flexibility
## DD0027   Stability
## DD0028   Stacking_energy
## DD0029   Sugimoto_dG
## DD0030   Sugimoto_dH
## DD0031   Sugimoto_dS
## DD0032   Watson-Crick_interaction
## DD0033   Twist
## DD0034   Tilt
## DD0035   Roll
## DD0036   Shift
## DD0037   Slide
## DD0038   Rise
## DD0039   Stacking energy
## DD0040   Bend
## DD0041   Tip
## DD0042   Inclination
## DD0043   Major Groove Width
## DD0044   Major Groove Depth
## DD0045   Major Groove Size
## DD0046   Major Groove Distance
## DD0047   Minor Groove Width
## DD0048   Minor Groove Depth
## DD0049   Minor Groove Size
## DD0050   Minor Groove Distance
## DD0051   PersistanceLength
## DD0052   MeltingTemperature
## DD0053   Mobilitytobendtowardsmajorgroove
## DD0054   Mobilitytobendtowardsminorgroove
## DD0055   PropellerTwist
## DD0056   ClashStrength
## DD0057   Enthalpy
## DD0058   Shift(RNA)
## DD0059   Hydrophilicity(RNA)
## DD0060   Freeenergy
## DD0061   Twist_twist
## DD0062   Tilt_tilt
## DD0063   Roll_roll
## DD0064   Twist_tilt
## DD0065   Twist_roll
## DD0066   Tilt_roll
## DD0067   Shift_shift
## DD0068   Slide_slide
## DD0069   Rise_rise
## DD0070   Shift_slide
## DD0071   Shift_rise
## DD0072   Slide_rise
## DD0073   Twist_shift
## DD0074   Twist_slide
## DD0075   Twist_rise
## DD0076   Tilt_shift
## DD0077   Tilt_slide
## DD0078   Tilt_rise
## DD0079   Roll_shift
## DD0080   Roll_slide
## DD0081   Roll_rise
## DD0082   Slidestiffness
## DD0083   Shiftstiffness
## DD0084   Rollstiffness
## DD0085   Risestiffness
## DD0086   Tiltstiffness
## DD0087   Twiststiffness
## DD0088   Wedge
## DD0089   Direction
## DD0090   Flexibility_slide
## DD0091   Flexibility_shift
## DD0092   Entropy
## Total number of properties : 92