
background gene set for enrichMesh isn't working

ymkng opened this issue · 2 comments

ymkng commented

I was wondering what "universe" for enrichMesh function accepts as an input as it isn't specified in the documentation found on bioconductor.

x <- enrichMeSH(my.geneID3[,3], MeSHDb = "MeSH.Hsa.eg.db", database='gene2pubmed', category = 'C',universe = univ.geneID3[,2])

here, univ.geneID3[,2] is a list of entrez gene ids but I get the error

Error in validObject(.Object) :
invalid class "enrichResult" object: invalid object for slot "universe" in class "enrichResult": got class "integer", should be or extend class "character"

thanks so much!


got class "integer", should be or extend class "character"


will solve this issue. Gene ID should be in character.

ymkng commented