- run python script
under directory trafic_flow to regenerate routes if you made some modifications on road generation. Otherwise routes are already generated in folder town5.
- config parameters are in config.json file under dir Sumo, path for saving data is also defined there.
- "root_path": where to save the generated data
- "sensor_names": which sensors you want to use for collecting data
- run the simulation under the project root dir
python main.py traffic_flow/town5/Town05.sumocfg --tls-manager carla --sumo-gui
- rootdir
- vehicle_id...
- camera
- image...
- image_meta...
- camera_sem
- images_sem_label...
- image_sem_meta...
- lidar
- pointcloud...
- pointcloud_meta...
- lidar_sem
- pointclouds_sem_label...
- pointclouds_sem_meta...
- camera
- info.csv
- vehicle_id...
- ... means there are multiple such file or folders
- rootdir: j xxx e xxx states for junction, the junction number, ego and ego vehicle id respectively
- vehicle_id: vehicle_id
- image, image_sem_label: RGB image data in png format, file name = ".png", check carla documentation for color definition
- image_meta, image_sem_meta: meta information about the image with the same frame name, file name = "_meta.txt"
- line1: frame, timestamp, fov, height, width
- line2: roll, pitch, yaw, x, y, z
- pointcloud, pointclouds_sem_label: pointcloud raw data, file name = ".pcd", check carla documentation for color definition
- pointcloud_meta, pointclouds_sem_meta: meta information about the pointcloud with the same frame name, file name = "_meta.txt"
- line1: frame, timestamp, horizontal_angle, n_channels
- line2: roll, pitch, yaw, x, y, z
- line3: 64 elements array, each element indicate the points number measured by the corresponding laser.
- run the python script
in folder scripts/python , before runing the script, you need to change the path(in_path
) to the generated raw simulation data as well as the path(out_path
) where you want to store the formatted data.
the formatted data has 3 folders
- cloud_ego: clouds collected by ego vehicle, no down-sampling
- cloud_coop: point clouds of cooperative vehicles
- cloud_fused: fused clouds(including ego-vehicle cloud), down-sampled through voxel grid(size=0.2m)
- label_box: ground truth bounding boxes of all vehicles in the scene of each frame
point cloud files:
- all data are written in binary files. Data are all in
length, - each data point has 4 columns(x,y,z,label), following is the semantic meaning of labels
LABEL_COLORS = np.array([ (0, 0, 0), #0 Unlabeled (70, 70, 70), #1 Buildings (100, 40, 40), #2 Fences (55, 90, 80), #3 Other (220, 20, 60), #4 Pedestrians (153, 153, 153), #5 Poles (157, 234, 50), #6 RoadLines (128, 64, 128), #7 Roads (244, 35, 232), #8 Sidewalks (107, 142, 35), #9 Vegetation (0, 0, 142), #10 Vehicles (102, 102, 156), #11 Walls (220, 220, 0), #12 TrafficSign (70, 130, 180), #13 Sky (81, 0, 81), #14 Ground (150, 100, 100), #15 Bridge (230, 150, 140), #16 Railtrack (180, 165, 180), #17 GuardRail (250, 170, 30), #18 TrafficLight (110, 190, 160), #19 Static (170, 120, 50), #20 Dynamic (45, 60, 150), #21 Water (145, 170, 100) #22 Terrain ])
- all data are written in binary files. Data are all in
filename: <junction_id>_<frame_id>.<extention>
label_box format:
- each row indicates one bounding box,
- column from left to right are: vehicle_id, vehicle_class, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, l, w, h
- x,y,z: the center point of the bounding box
- rx, ry, rz: orientation
- l, w, h: vehicle size