Try to implement GCM-AES encryption algorithm on FPGA hardware and test it by software.

Primary LanguageSystemVerilog

Galois Counter Mode AES Encryption in Verilog and Software Test Tool

GCM-AES implementation in Verilog

This is a "pipelined" version of hardware implementaion in system-verilog. Here I pipeline the key expansion process into 15 steps to address the SLACK problem. This implements encryption in 110MHz. Throughput is 2 * 128bits * 200M = 51.2 Gbps. Worst SLACK is 0.04 ns. Reference AES.



  1. Vivado 16.4 or higher.

  2. Implementaion is on a SUME FPGA board.


  1. Modify the simulation file test128.sv.

  2. In the directory run:

bash shell/sim.bash


  1. Run:
bash shell/make.bash
  1. Download the bitstream file to hardware.

  2. ATTENTION It is a real-time running version of 128 bit encryption which only supports 128-bit-multiple input by now.

Software validation is in the pyaes repository


  1. Run:
cd pyaes
ipython3 notebook
  1. Modify and run the pyaes\test.py to get the right encryption result for 128-bit-mulitple input. Or you can migrate to ipython notebook to debug it. And modify the input in test128.sv to check if the SW/HW results coincide.


  1. (Now 15 clks) Further parallelize the data links.
  2. (Done encryption part) Double the data rate by using data on falling and rising edge.