
Primary LanguagePython

Controlling the Panda arm using ros_dmp

To run panda arm with Moveit controllers: roslaunch panda_moveit_config demo.launch

To run ros_dmp: roslaunch ros_dmp dmp_sim.launch

Run rviz to visualize learned and demonstrated path published on following topics which can be visualized in rviz.

  • Select frame "panda_link0" in rviz to view the generated paths (changes made in ros_dmp)
  • /learn_dmp_service_node/demonstrated_path
  • /learn_dmp_service_node/cartesian_path
  • /learn_dmp_service_node/imitated_path

Go to ros_dmp/example folder and run the Learn_client script: python learn_client.py

Start the planning script: python planning_script_traj.py

Now generate motion_client: (Dont forget to change the path to weights/example.yaml) python motion_generation_client.py