Package which trains a robot to reach a goal position without colliding using RL. Experiments are carried out on a car simulation in Gazebo.
sudo pip install gym
sudo apt-get install python-skimage
sudo pip install h5py
pip install tensorflow-gpu (if you have a gpu if not then just pip install tensorflow)
sudo pip install keras
cd ~
git clone
cd gym-gazebo
sudo pip install -e .
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone ""
cd ..
roslaunch rl-car-ros simple.launch
- Start Q-Learning agent with 𝜖 -greedy action selection :
roslaunch rl-car-ros start_qlearning.launch
- Start Sarsa-Learning agent with 𝜖 -greedy action selection :
roslaunch rl-car-ros start_sarsa.launch
- Start Expected Sarsa-Learning agent with 𝜖 -greedy action selection :
roslaunch rl-car-ros start_expected_sarsa.launch
- State : LaserScan + Odometry(x and y coordinates)
- Actions : Forward, Right, Left
- Episodic Task: An episode ends when the robot hits a wall (Reward = -200) or when the robot reaches the goal position (Reward = +5000). A living reward of -1 is given at each step which encourages the robot to end the episode as soon as possible.
- The world is show below:
- Below are the results obtained for 50 episodes: (if someone could run this for 1000 episodes, I would be happy to accept a pull request !)