
Robotic Arm based on ROS

Primary LanguageCMake

Robotic Arm based on ROS - ROSARM

Getting Started

  • cd catkin_ws/src
  • Clone this repo here : git clone "https://github.com/YugAjmera/rosarm_pkg"
  • Move rosarm_moveit_config to src
  • cd .. (Go back to catkin_ws/)
  • catkin_make
  • source ./devel/setup.bash
  • source ~/.bashrc


  1. To view the model in RVIZ (using joint_state_publisher gui): roslaunch rosarm_pkg urdf_rviz_view.launch

  2. To view the model without controllers in Gazebo : roslaunch rosarm_pkg urdf_gazebo_view.launch (Note: The links will fall down due to gravity)

  3. To launch the model with controllers in Gazebo : roslaunch rosarm_pkg urdf_trajectory_controller.launch

  4. To control the arm with MoveIt (keep 3 running): roslaunch rosarm_moveit_config rosarm_planning_execution.launch

  1. To display the postion of end effector : roslaunch rosarm_pkg get_Pose.launch

  2. To plan a trajectory using specified end point : roslaunch rosarm_pkg planning.launch