
A question about the environment

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Hello, I met a problem when I run"conda env create -f environment.yaml" and I get error as follows:

I tried to install cuda 11.3,but after that , when I tried to install PyTorch = 1.13.0, I met error as follows:
Then I follow the instruction but I cannot find the 11.3 version for pytorch-cuda.

Can anyone help me?I was haunted for days.

I have solved the problem. Please delete it.

@yangqinhui0423 Hi, I also met a sample problem. Can you share how solve this problem? Thank you.

@yangqinhui0423 Hi, I also met a sample problem. Can you share how solve this problem? Thank you.

I just use cuda 11.6 and pytorch-cuda 11.6, others follow the environment.yaml.