
Project Website  •  PDF  •  Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2021


We propose a method for manipulating diverse objects across a wide range of initial and goal configurations and camera placements. We disentangle the standard image-to-action mapping into two separate modules: (1) a behavior selector which conditions on intrinsic and semantically-rich object appearance features to select the behaviors that can successfully perform the desired tasks on the object in hand, and (2) a library of behaviors each of which conditions on extrinsic and abstract object properties to predict actions to execute over time. Our framework outperforms various learning and non-learning based baselines in both simulated and real robot tasks.



Step 1. Recommended: install Miniconda with Python 3.7.

curl -O
bash -b -u
echo $'\nexport PATH=~/miniconda3/bin:"${PATH}"\n' >> ~/.profile  # Add Conda to PATH.
source ~/.profile
conda init

Step 2. Create and activate Conda environment, then install GCC and Python packages.

conda create --name vbe python=3.7 -y
conda activate vbe
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install gcc libgl1-mesa-dev
conda env update --file vbe.yaml

Step 3. Set up related packages path and download our shared data&mesh

## gym environment setup
Install the vbe-gym inside the folder by running 
pip install -e.
change gym path inside paths.yaml to the vbe-gym path

After that, installing the following packages:

pip install trimesh (for gym)
pip install dm_control
pip install open3d==

# install mujoco
# put the license at ~/.mujoco/mjkey.txt
pip install install -U 'mujoco-py<2.1,>=2.0'

conda install libgcc
conda install -c conda-forge mesalib
conda install -c menpo osmesa
conda install -c anaconda mesa-libgl-cos6-x86_64ex

## dataset set up 

download object mesh and xml data from Shapenet:
and put it at ../quan_meshes. Remember to add this path to your paths.yaml
Put our preprocessed mesh stl files to /gym/envs/robotics/assets/stls

Run the code

Step 1.1 Generating training data and affordance label for the training set in simulation.


Step 1.2 Processing real data to the same pkl format and visualize them.

python training/
python training/

Step 2 Training our model.

python [MODEL NAME] -- exp_name=[exp name in your exp config file] --run_name=[a name for this run] with 3D affordance model

python -W ignore MUJOCO_OFFLINE_METRIC --exp_name=plate_0612_load --run_name=plate_0612_r2_cluttered with 2D affordance model

python -W ignore MUJOCO_OFFLINE_METRIC_2D --exp_name=plate_0612_load --run_name=train_2d_0827

for more usage, please check other commands in training/

Step 3 Evaluating model .

python -W ignore MUJOCO_OFFLINE_METRIC --exp_name=test_train_plate_0612_load --run_name=test_train_plate_0612_load


  title={Visually-Grounded Library of Behaviors for Manipulating Diverse Objects across Diverse Configurations and Views},
  author={Yang, Jingyun and Tung, Hsiao-Yu and Zhang, Yunchu and Pathak, Gaurav and Pokle, Ashwini and Atkeson, Christopher G and Fragkiadaki, Katerina},
  booktitle={5th Annual Conference on Robot Learning},