
A curated list of awesome light field resources

Awesome Light Field: Awesome

A curated list of awesome light field resources

Light field is a scene representation, described as a set of light rays in captured space, created by shifted full-size or micro-lenses


  • Gershun, The Light Field — first theorhetical description of a light field
  • Bolles et al., Epipolar-plane image analysis: An approach to determining structure from motion — first appearance and theory of epipolar-plane images, the important structure for light field analysis
  • Adelson and Bergen, The Plenoptic Function and the Elements of Early Vision — light field reformulation in a more convenient way
  • Levoy and Hanrahan, Light Field Rendering — two-plane parameterization of light field
  • Ng et al., Light Field Photography with a Hand-held Plenoptic Camera — description of a first plenoptic camera

Algorithms with available code

Depth Estimation

Title Year Framework Link
3D Convolutional Neural Network for Light Field Depth Estimation https://github.com/catdance124/3Dconv_LF_depth_estimation
Deep Coarse-to-fine Dense Light Field Reconstruction with Flexible Sampling and Geometry-aware Fusion https://github.com/jingjin25/LFASR-FS-GAF
Depth Estimation from 4D Light Field Videos https://github.com/mediaeng-lfv/LFV_Disparity_Estimation
Depth from Combining Defocus and Correspondence Using Light-Field Cameras https://github.com/Vincentqyw/depth-from-defocus-and-correspondence
Depthy https://github.com/hahnec/depthy
DistgDisp: Disentangling Mechanism for Light Field Disparity Estimation https://github.com/YingqianWang/DistgDisp
EPINET: A Fully-Convolutional Neural Network using Epipolar Geometry for Depth from Light Field Images https://github.com/chshin10/epinet
Efficient Light Field Reconstruction via Spatio-Angular Dense Network https://github.com/huzexi/SADenseNet
Empirical Bayesian Light-Field Stereo Matching by Robust Pseudo Random Field Modeling https://www.ee.nthu.edu.tw/chaotsung/rprf/index.html
Fast Light-field Disparity Estimation with Multi-disparity-scale Cost Aggregation https://github.com/zcong17huang/FastLFnet
High-Dimensional Dense Residual Convolutional Neural Network for Light Field Reconstruction https://github.com/monaen/LightFieldReconstruction
Intrinsic Light Field Decomposition and Disparity Estimation with a Deep Encoder-Decoder Network https://github.com/cvia-kn/lf_autoencoder_cvpr2018_code
Learning Sheared EPI Structure for Light Field Reconstruction https://github.com/GaochangWu/Sheared-EPI
Learning to Think Outside the Box: Wide-Baseline Light Field Depth Estimation with EPI-Shift https://github.com/titus-leistner/epi-shift
LFattNet: Attention-based View Selection Networks for Light-field Disparity Estimation https://github.com/LIAGM/LFattNet
MANet: Multi-scale Aggregated Network For Light Field Depth Estimation https://github.com/YanWQ/MANet
Occlusion-Aware Cost Constructor for Light Field Depth Estimation https://github.com/YingqianWang/OACC-Net
On Linear Structure from Motion for Light Field Cameras https://publications.lightfield-analysis.net/
Robust Depth Estimation for Light Field via Spinning Parallelogram Operator https://github.com/shuozh/Spinning-Parallelogram-Operator
Unsupervised disparity estimation from light field using plug-and-play weighted warping loss https://www.fujii.nuee.nagoya-u.ac.jp/Research/LFDepth/
Variational light field analysis for disparity estimation and super-resolution https://github.com/GilbertRC/Light-Field-Structure-Tensor-Depth-Estimation


Title Year Framework Link
Light Field Denoising by Sparse 5D Transform Domain Collaborative Filtering https://github.com/V-Sense/LFBM5D

Novel view synthesis

Title Year Framework Link
Learning to Synthesize a 4D RGBD Light Field from a Single Image https://github.com/pratulsrinivasan/Local_Light_Field_Synthesis
Local Light Field Fusion https://github.com/Fyusion/LLFF
Multi-Angular Epipolar Geometry Based Light Field Angular Reconstruction Network https://github.com/ldyorchid/Multi_Angular_Epipolar_Geometry_Based_Light_Field_Angular_Reconstruction_Network


Title Year Framework Link
DistgSSR: Disentangling Mechanism for Light Field Statial Super-Resolution https://github.com/YingqianWang/DistgSSR
Graph-Based Light Field Super-Resolution https://github.com/rossimattia/light-field-super-resolution
Light Field Spatial Super-resolution via Deep Combinatorial Geometry Embedding and Structural Consistency Regularization https://github.com/jingjin25/LFSSR-ATO
Light Field Super-Resolution By Jointly Exploiting Internal and External Similarities https://github.com/Joechann0831/LFSR-FusNet
Residual Networks for Light Field Image Super-Resolution https://github.com/wxywhu/demo-resLF
Spatial-Angular Interaction for Light Field Image Super-Resolution https://github.com/YingqianWang/LF-InterNet



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