
R implementation of %mediation() SAS macro by Valeri & VanderWeele (2013, 2015)

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This is an R re-implementation of the regression-based causal mediation analysis method, supporting a treatment-mediator interaction term, as implemented in the SAS macro by Valeri and VanderWeele (2013 and 2015). The original is found at Dr. VanderWeele’s Tools and Tutorials.

This package is meant to be an educational tool. Thanks to R’s expressibility, the code is likely easier to read than SAS IML. Thus, the correspondence between the mathematical formulas presented in the Appendix of Explanation in Causal Inference (V2015) and the code should be easier to grasp. See the vignette (Article on the package website) for the code that implements formulas.

Implemented models

This package is currently under development and is not on CRAN, yet. Following VV2015, the following grid of models are implemented. yreg refers to the outcome model and mreg refers to the mediator model. See the Github repo for cross-check results against the SAS macro.

yreg \\ mreg linear logistic
linear implemented implemented
logistic (1) implemented implemented
loglinear implemented (2) implemented (2)
poisson implemented implemented
negbin implemented implemented
survCox (1) implemented implemented
survAFT exp implemented implemented
survAFT weibull implemented implemented
  1. Approximation depends on the rare event assumptions.

  2. As oppose to the SAS macro, the outcome model is implemented as a modified Poisson model (log link with robust variance) as in Z2004.

See the corresponding vignettes (Articles on the package website) for how to perform bootstrapping and multiple imputation.


For the developmental version on Github, use the following commands to install the package.

install.packages("devtools") # If you do not have devtools already.

Once released on CRAN, the following should install the stable version.



Here we will analyze the simulated example that is included with the SAS macro. See the introduction vignette (Article on the package website) for details of the user interface functions.

regmedint() to fit models

The regmedint function is the user interface for constructing a result object of class regmedint. The interface is made similar to the original SAS macro. For survival outcomes, the indicator variable is an event indicator (1 for event, 0 for censoring). The c_cond vector is required. This vector is the vector of covariate values at which the conditional effects are evaluated at.


## Example data

regmedint_obj <- regmedint(data = vv2015,
                           ## Variables
                           yvar = "y",
                           avar = "x",
                           mvar = "m",
                           cvar = c("c"),
                           eventvar = "event",
                           ## Values at which effects are evaluated
                           a0 = 0,
                           a1 = 1,
                           m_cde = 1,
                           c_cond = 0.5,
                           ## Model types
                           mreg = "logistic",
                           yreg = "survAFT_weibull",
                           ## Additional specification
                           interaction = TRUE,
                           casecontrol = FALSE)

print() to examine simplified results

Implicit printing prints mreg, yreg, and mediation analysis point estimates. All effect estimates are on the scale of the link function.


## ### Mediator model
## Call:  glm(formula = m ~ x + c, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = data)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)            x            c  
##     -0.3545       0.3842       0.2694  
## Degrees of Freedom: 99 Total (i.e. Null);  97 Residual
## Null Deviance:       138.6 
## Residual Deviance: 136.1     AIC: 142.1
## ### Outcome model
## Call:
## survival::survreg(formula = Surv(y, event) ~ x * m + c, data = data, 
##     dist = "weibull")
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)           x           m           c         x:m 
## -1.04244118  0.44075656  0.09053705 -0.06689165  0.10031424 
## Scale= 0.9658808 
## Loglik(model)= -11.4   Loglik(intercept only)= -14.5
##  Chisq= 6.31 on 4 degrees of freedom, p= 0.177 
## n= 100 
## ### Mediation analysis 
##         cde        pnde        tnie        tnde        pnie          te          pm 
## 0.541070807 0.488930417 0.018240025 0.498503455 0.008666987 0.507170442 0.045436278

summary() to examine extended results

The summary method gives the summary for mreg, yreg, and mediation analysis results. The exponentiate option will add the exponentiated estimate and confidence limits if the outcome model is not a linear model. The pure natural direct effect (pnde) is what is typically called the natural direct effect (NDE). The total natural indirect effect (tnie) is the corresponding natural indirect effect (NIE).

summary(regmedint_obj, exponentiate = TRUE)

## ### Mediator model
## Call:
## glm(formula = m ~ x + c, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = data)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
## -1.5143  -1.1765   0.9177   1.1133   1.4602  
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept)  -0.3545     0.3252  -1.090    0.276
## x             0.3842     0.4165   0.922    0.356
## c             0.2694     0.2058   1.309    0.191
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 138.59  on 99  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 136.08  on 97  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 142.08
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
## ### Outcome model
## Call:
## survival::survreg(formula = Surv(y, event) ~ x * m + c, data = data, 
##     dist = "weibull")
##               Value Std. Error     z           p
## (Intercept) -1.0424     0.1903 -5.48 0.000000043
## x            0.4408     0.3008  1.47        0.14
## m            0.0905     0.2683  0.34        0.74
## c           -0.0669     0.0915 -0.73        0.46
## x:m          0.1003     0.4207  0.24        0.81
## Log(scale)  -0.0347     0.0810 -0.43        0.67
## Scale= 0.966 
## Weibull distribution
## Loglik(model)= -11.4   Loglik(intercept only)= -14.5
##  Chisq= 6.31 on 4 degrees of freedom, p= 0.18 
## Number of Newton-Raphson Iterations: 5 
## n= 100 
## ### Mediation analysis 
##              est         se         Z           p       lower      upper exp(est) exp(lower) exp(upper)
## cde  0.541070807 0.29422958 1.8389409 0.065923882 -0.03560858 1.11775019 1.717845  0.9650179   3.057967
## pnde 0.488930417 0.21049248 2.3227928 0.020190284  0.07637274 0.90148809 1.630571  1.0793648   2.463266
## tnie 0.018240025 0.03706111 0.4921608 0.622605663 -0.05439841 0.09087846 1.018407  0.9470547   1.095136
## tnde 0.498503455 0.21209540 2.3503737 0.018754573  0.08280410 0.91420281 1.646256  1.0863290   2.494786
## pnie 0.008666987 0.02730994 0.3173565 0.750973092 -0.04485951 0.06219348 1.008705  0.9561318   1.064168
## te   0.507170442 0.21090051 2.4047853 0.016181972  0.09381303 0.92052785 1.660586  1.0983544   2.510615
## pm   0.045436278 0.01725694 2.6329276 0.008465238  0.01161329 0.07925926       NA         NA         NA
## Evaluated at:
## avar: x
##  a1 (intervened value of avar) = 1
##  a0 (reference value of avar)  = 0
## mvar: m
##  m_cde (intervend value of mvar for cde) = 1
## cvar: c
##  c_cond (covariate vector value) = 0.5
## Note that effect estimates can vary over m_cde and c_cond values when interaction = TRUE.

Use coef to extract the mediation analysis results only.

coef(summary(regmedint_obj, exponentiate = TRUE))

##              est         se         Z           p       lower      upper exp(est) exp(lower) exp(upper)
## cde  0.541070807 0.29422958 1.8389409 0.065923882 -0.03560858 1.11775019 1.717845  0.9650179   3.057967
## pnde 0.488930417 0.21049248 2.3227928 0.020190284  0.07637274 0.90148809 1.630571  1.0793648   2.463266
## tnie 0.018240025 0.03706111 0.4921608 0.622605663 -0.05439841 0.09087846 1.018407  0.9470547   1.095136
## tnde 0.498503455 0.21209540 2.3503737 0.018754573  0.08280410 0.91420281 1.646256  1.0863290   2.494786
## pnie 0.008666987 0.02730994 0.3173565 0.750973092 -0.04485951 0.06219348 1.008705  0.9561318   1.064168
## te   0.507170442 0.21090051 2.4047853 0.016181972  0.09381303 0.92052785 1.660586  1.0983544   2.510615
## pm   0.045436278 0.01725694 2.6329276 0.008465238  0.01161329 0.07925926       NA         NA         NA

Note that the estimates can be re-evaluated at different m_cde and c_cond without re-fitting the underlyng models.

coef(summary(regmedint_obj, exponentiate = TRUE, m_cde = 0, c_cond = 5))

##              est         se         Z          p        lower      upper exp(est) exp(lower) exp(upper)
## cde  0.440756562 0.30083077 1.4651313 0.14288511 -0.148860903 1.03037403 1.553882  0.8616890   2.802114
## pnde 0.516631282 0.23499226 2.1985034 0.02791325  0.056054918 0.97720765 1.676371  1.0576558   2.657027
## tnie 0.012479419 0.02489241 0.5013344 0.61613580 -0.036308799 0.06126764 1.012558  0.9643425   1.063183
## tnde 0.523024107 0.24782597 2.1104492 0.03481969  0.037294136 1.00875408 1.687122  1.0379983   2.742182
## pnie 0.006086594 0.01889371 0.3221493 0.74733960 -0.030944391 0.04311758 1.006105  0.9695295   1.044061
## te   0.529110701 0.24194191 2.1869328 0.02874743  0.054913270 1.00330813 1.697422  1.0564490   2.727289
## pm   0.030184325 0.01276593 2.3644440 0.01805716  0.005163563 0.05520509       NA         NA         NA


The point estimate and standard error formulas (multivariate delta method) were taken from the following references. See https://github.com/kaz-yos/regmedint-supplement/blob/master/supplement.pdf for type-set formulas.

  • V2015: VanderWeele (2015) Explanation in Causal Inference.
  • VV2013A: Valeri & VanderWeele (2013) Appendix
  • VV2015A: Valeri & VanderWeele (2015) Appendix

As seen below, there are only four patterns.

Effect formulas

yreg \\ mreg linear logistic
linear V2015 p466 Proposition 2.3 V2015 p471 Proposition 2.5
logistic V2015 p468 Proposition 2.4 V2015 p473 Proposition 2.6
loglinear VV2013A p8 Use Proposition 2.4 VV2013A p8 Use Proposition 2.6
poisson VV2013A p8 Use Proposition 2.4 VV2013A p8 Use Proposition 2.6
negbin VV2013A p8 Use Proposition 2.4 VV2013A p8 Use Proposition 2.6
survCox V2015 p496 Proposition 4.4 (Use 2.4) V2015 p499 Proposition 4.6 (Use 2.6)
survAFT exp V2015 p494 Proposition 4.1 (Use 2.4) V2015 p495 Proposition 4.3 (Use 2.6)
survAFT weibull V2015 p494 Proposition 4.1 (Use 2.4) V2015 p495 Proposition 4.3 (Use 2.6)

Note the loglinear outcome model means log link with binomial error.

Standard error formulas

yreg \\ mreg linear logistic
linear V2015 p466 Proposition 2.3 V2015 p471 Proposition 2.5
logistic V2015 p468 Proposition 2.4 V2015 p473 Proposition 2.6
loglinear VV2013A p8 Use Proposition 2.4 VV2013A p8 Use Proposition 2.6
poisson VV2013A p8 Use Proposition 2.4 VV2013A p8 Use Proposition 2.6
negbin VV2013A p8 Use Proposition 2.4 VV2013A p8 Use Proposition 2.6
survCox V2015 p496 Use Proposition 2.4 V2015 p499 Use Proposition 2.6
survAFT exp V2015 p494 Use Proposition 2.4 V2015 p495 Use Proposition 2.6
survAFT weibull V2015 p494 Use Proposition 2.4 V2015 p495 Use Proposition 2.6


The software design is outlined here for those who may be interested.

  • Call structure
    • regmedint UI function
      • new_regmedint internal constructor
        • fit_mreg
        • fit_yreg
        • calc_myreg calls a specialized worker function, which return two functions, one for point estimates and the other for standard error estimate.
          • calc_myreg_mreg_linear_yreg_linear
          • calc_myreg_mreg_linear_yreg_logistic
          • calc_myreg_mreg_logistic_yreg_linear
          • calc_myreg_mreg_logistic_yreg_logistic
  • regmedint object structure
    • mreg_fit mediator regression model object as is
    • yreg_fit outcome regression model object as is
    • myreg_funs list
      • est_fun: (a0,a1,m_cde,c_cond) → (cde,pnde,tnie,tnde,pnie,te,pm)
      • se_fun: (a0,a1,m_cde,c_cond) → se for (cde,pnde,tnie,tnde,pnie,te,pm)
      • args preserves arguments given to the UI
  • User methods for the regmedint object
    • print.regmedint: prints coefficients for mreg, yreg, and mediation analysis
    • summary.regmedint: regmedint → summary_regmedint
      • print.summary_regmedint: prints summary objects for mreg, yreg, and mediation analysis
      • coef.summary_regmedint:
    • coef.regmedint: regmedint → vector (cde,pnde,tnie,tnde,pnie,te,pm)
    • vcov.regmedint: regmedint → matrix (cde,pnde,tnie,tnde,pnie,te,pm). Off-diagonals are NA.
    • confint.regmedint: regmedint → matrix of (lower,upper)

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Other statistical environment


  • V2015: VanderWeele (2015) Explanation in Causal Inference.
  • VV2013: Valeri & VanderWeele (2013) Psych Method. 18:137.
  • VV2015: Valeri & VanderWeele (2015) Epidemiology. 26:e23.
  • Z2004: Zou (2004) Am J Epidemiol 159:702.