Scaling of plot axes in plotting tab not possible (linear scale)

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I cannot re-scale the axes in an area-deformation plot. I put my desired values into area and deformation and after clicking "apply" it does nothing and the displayed values comes back to the original ones.

I am not able to reproduce this on Linux. I will check on Windows - are you using version 0.8.3?

I cannot reproduce this on Windows either.

  1. Can you change the plotting range by dragging the scatter plot around?
  2. Can you change the plotting range before loading (analyzing) any data?

Maik pointed out (#204) that this happens when the contour plot is enabled. I can reproduce this bug.

Yes, that might be.
I just noticed in the meantime that if the first thing I do is re-scaling of the axes it still works. After some actions (including enabling contours) it stops working.

For me it works now :)